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Department Structure and Dynamics of Energy Materials

The X-Ray CoreLab

Welcome to the X-Ray CoreLab website.

The lab covers different X-Ray diffraction methods at HZB locations Adlershof (WCR) and Wannsee (LMC) and makes them available to all interested co-workers of HZB as well as for guests. The X-Ray CoreLab Steering Committee determines the direction of the lab and consults about its further development.

Before you start to work with CoreLab instruments we kindly ask you to register as a CoreLab user to coordinate lab instructions and keep the lab in agreement with the demands. After registration you can start to book the instruments covered by the lab (see below). For more information about the booking process see the brief introduction into IGAMA calendar

Subsequently you find a list of available Instruments covered by the X-Ray CoreLab at both locations with description: 



Instruments covered by the X-Ray CoreLab: 

1 PANalytical MPD for thin film analysis (LMC) Michael Tovar
Rene Schwiddessen
2 PANalytical MRD for texture analysis (LMC) Michael Tovar
Rene Schwiddessen
3 PANalytical MRD for epitaxy analysis (LMC) Michael Tovar
Rene Schwiddessen
4 Bruker D8 Advance for thin film analysis (LMC) Michael Tovar
5 Bruker D8 for powder diffraction (LMC) Michael Tovar
6 Bruker Kappa APEX2 (LMC) Michael Tovar
Ralf Feyerherm
7 Huber Guinier diffractometer (LMC) Ralf Feyerherm
Bruker D8 WCRC
Alejandra Ramírez Caro
Marcel Roß
ETA Diffractometer (WCR) Manuela Klaus
HUBER LEDDI (WCR) Manuela Klaus
LIMAX-160 (WCR) Roland Mainz
SAXS LR020 Instrument DataEneli Monerjan