************************************************************************************ file format from: 2008/01/01 ************************************************************************************ General Comments: all field and dipole strengths are in arbitary units ************************************************************************************ Abreviations: w -> omega w0 -> frequency of the fundamental laser ************************************************************************************ *.t.dat : radial symmetric data in time domain : E(r,t) coloumns: r(i) - t(j) - Intensity(r,t) - Ereal(r,t) radial plot: plot [:] "data.t.dat" every dmt:dnr u 1:3 w l time domain: Intensity vs. t[s]: plot [:] "data.t.dat" every dmt:dnr u 2:3 w l Ereal vs. t[s]: plot [:] "data.t.dat" every dmt:dnr u 2:4 w l Note : "every dmt:dnr" tells gnuplot to plot only every 'dmt'th point in time and only every 'dnr'th point in space Simply set dnr to a value higher than the number of radial points and you'll get the on axis spectrum, for smaller dnr you'll see the a plot, where the field for every line is plotted in one picture By setting dmt to a higher number, say 1000, plotting speed is increased, but the temporal resolution is reduced. -> use a big dmt for tests, finally set it to dmt=1. ************************************************************************************ *.w0.dat: radial symmetric data in freq. domain : E(r,w) coloumns: r(i) - [w/w0](j) - Intensity(r,w) {- Ereal(r,w) - Eimag(r,w) } radial plot: plot [:] "data.w0.dat" every dmt:dnr u 1:3 w l time domain: Intensity vs. w/w0: plot [0:] "data.w0.dat" every dmt:dnr u 2:3 w l Note : freq. is normalized to the fundamental freq. for 'dmt' and 'dnr' see description above (*.t.dat) ************************************************************************************ *.xtw.dat: on-axis single atom dipole moment: x(t/w) coloumns : t(j) - w(i)[eV] - w(i)/w0 - Real{x[t(j)]} - Abs{x[w(i)]} time domain: x vs. t[s] : plot [:] "data.xtw.dat" u 1:4 w l freq.domain: -> neg.freq. are unphysical x vs. w[eV]: plot [0:] "data.xtw.dat" u 2:5 w l x vs. w/w0 : plot [0:] "data.xtw.dat" u 3:5 w l