VITESS 2.10 Release Note ------------------------- Helper threads: --------------- Some modules may use helper threads to speed up simulations on system with multi core CPUs. If you select 1 to 8 helper threads in the main GUI window, these modules will start helper threads: source, chopper_fermi, polariser_sm, guide, and sm_ensemble. Packages: --------- Composing instruments is made easier with packages. You may store parts of an instrument, like a series of complicated guides, to a package, to be re-used later. The maximum number of modules is set to 40 now. Execution Modes: ---------------- When you simulate an instrument with slightly different parameters you may use two execution modes which help to compare results: "save old" In that mode every plain file of the parameter directory is saved to a save_ subdirectory before execution of the command pipe. After pipe execution VITESS tells which files have been changed in contents and lists those files in the save_ subdirectory; duplicates in the subdirectory are removed. "copy results" All files except the log file in the parameter directory, which have a modification date later than the simulation start time, are copied to the Results subdirectory after finishing the simulation, the file name prepended with the creation data like Results/20100927-160057.a.dat for a file a.dat created on the 27 th of September in 2010. Compression: ------------ A general menu bar option "Output compression" allows to compress data none 120 byte per neutron trajectory, default, 100% nodebug strips trace information normally not used, reducing size to 63% float additionally reduces double values to float, with almost no effect on the further outcome; the binary file size shrinks to approx. 40% gzip lossless, but more CPU intense compression, approx. 55% nodebug+gzip reduction to approx. 45.8% float+gzip reduction to approx. 29% VITESS modules read data files of nodebug or float compression directly, compressed input files with a .z or .gz extension are read with the help of the program gzip. gzip.exe is provided with the VITESS distribution for Windows, and gzip is assumed to be installed under Linux. New modules: ------------ lenses mirror_elliptical mon2_kdiv mon2_rdiv runtime beamstop