VITESS 2.4 ---------- Due to changes and improvements in the module 'source', 'guide', 'chopper_fermi', etc. (see below), exactly the same result as by Vitess 2.3 cannot be expected. Nevertheless, the changes should only cause statistical deviations - except for simulations of instruments with guides in the very long wavelength range (above 30 Ang) calculated with gravity. New MODULES are: ---------------- 'sample_singcryst' ---------------- This module simulates a single crystal sample. New features in MODULES ----------------------- 'source' ------ - The specification of neutron sources with up to 2 moderators has been introduced. - An intensity distribution file I(lambda,t) as a function of time and wavelength can be read for pulsed sources. - The divergence of the neutrons can be defined by the 'propagation window' - The order of MC choices is changed. Now a separate window after the source should give the same result as putting the same window into the 'propagation' part of the source module. 'chopper_disc' ------------ - The chopper center can now be positioned beside the guide (instead of above or below it). - The chopper can set the time to zero. 'monitor' ------- - An option is included to normalize the data with binsize - Standard deviations per bins are written out as third column 'guide' ----- - The first and the last segment of a bended guide are aligned to the preceding or following resp. component - Additinal check, if trajectories end out of the guide exit area (loss of trajectories by waviness and gravity is prevented) 'bender' ------ - Greater number of possible channels 'sm-ensemble' ----------- - Visualisation Improved or corrected modules ----------------------------- 'chopper_fermi' 'detector' 'sample_powder' 'sample_reflectom' 'eval_inelast' New TOOLS are: -------------- Visualise Vitess output files with IDL / PV-Wave (see 'Generate Surface Files' ---------------------- Helps to generate the surface file for the bender module. The bender may consist of thin layers. Improved TOOLS -------------- 'Generate Batches' - number of possible variables, simulations etc. increased