Differential Scanning Calorimetry / DSC 404 F1 Pegasus

Heat flux differential scanning calorimetry is a technique which measures the temperature difference between an empty crucible and a crucible containing a sample during heating with a constant rate. Due to the specific heat of the sample, the crucible containing the sample heats up slower than the empty crucible. Furthermore, if the sample undergoes a phase transition a considerable temperature difference is observed due to the absorbed (endothermic process) or released (exothermic process) heat. Hence, a differential scanning calorimeter is perfectly suited for the determination of the specific heat Cp of a sample and for studying phase transitions.

The available DSC 404 F1 Pegasus (NETZSCH-Gerätebau GmbH) is equipped with two exchangeable furnaces which cover the temperature range between -120 °C and 1650 °C. Standard sapphire samples for the determination of Cp using the ratio method are available.

Fig. 1: DSC 404 F1 Pegasus

Fig. 1: DSC 404 F1 Pegasus

Temperature range -120 °C…675 °C (low temperature furnace); 25 °C…1650 °C (high temperature furnace)
Sample crucibles Al (85 ml), Al2O3 (85 ml), PtRh (85 ml), inner diameters: 5.2...6 mm
Gas atmospheres N2, Ar, He
Accuracy of Cp ±2.5 % (RT…1400 °C); ±3.5 % (RT…1500 °C)