3 PANalytical MRD for epitaxy analysis (LMC)
PANalytical MRD for HR-XRD (epitaxy)
PANalytical X'Pert Pro MRD-HR (materials research diffractometer-high resolution) with X-ray mirror, Bartels (4-fold) monochromator, analyzer and PIXcel 1D detector for high-resolution X-ray diffraction.
» X-ray mirror, 4-fold monochromator and analyzer for HRXRD
- epitaxy
- reciprocal space maps
- reflectometry
» Equipment
- Eulerian cradle (Omega, Phi, Psi)
- PIXcel line detector
- X-ray mirror
- Bartels (4-fold) monochromator
- Analyzer
- Triple Axis
The instrument is highly specialized and requires more time for adjusting, measuring and analyzing. Before booking it is essential that the project is discussed with the lab responsible.