D-Lecture: A Light and a Beam

The Advanced Photon Source facility illuminated by lightning. (

The Advanced Photon Source facility illuminated by lightning. ( © Argonne National Laboratory

Alexander Zholents is the Director of the Accelerator Systems Division at Argonne National Laboratory.

Alexander Zholents is the Director of the Accelerator Systems Division at Argonne National Laboratory.

Dr. Alexander Zholents from Argonne National Laboratory will present on 18th December 2014 his thoughts on "A Light and a Beam: a Theme with Variations". The presentation will be given at the lecture hall of the Wilhem-Conrad-Röntgen-Campus of HZB at 2 pm. After the presentation, we invite you to “Glühwein” and informal discussion.

What: D-Lecture

When: 14:00, 18. december 2014

Where: BESSYII, Lecture Hall

In his Distinguished Lecture, Aexander Zholents will discuss various techniques for making better beams of charged particles and beams better matched to applications. His examples will include the optical stochastic cooling, formation of the electron bunches for free-electron lasers, generation of x-rays pulses suitable for four-wave mixing experiments, laser-assisted electron beam conditioning for free-electron lasers, beam conditioning in storage rings for generation of picosecond x-ray pulses and more.

Alexander Zholents is the Director of the Accelerator Systems Division at Argonne National Laboratory. His research interests are focused on design, construction, commissioning and operations of synchrotron radiation sources and x-ray free-electron lasers.

We are happy to inform you that we will provide you with a shuttle from Wannsee to Adlershof and return. If you like to use this shuttle for one-way, return or both, then please send an e-mail to jennifer.bierbaum@helmholtz-berlin.de. The shuttle from Wannsee will leave at 1 pm and return at 4 pm (sharp).


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