Largest magnetic anisotropy of a molecule measured at BESSY II
THz-EPR setup in the experimental hall of BESSY II. © HZB
The magnetic properties of the investigated bismuth complex (center) were investigated using THz-EPR spectroscopy at BESSY II. The method uses electromagnetic radiation from the THz to the infrared range in combination with high magnetic fields. © HZB
At the Berlin synchrotron radiation source BESSY II, the largest magnetic anisotropy of a single molecule ever measured experimentally has been determined. The larger this anisotropy is, the better a molecule is suited as a molecular nanomagnet. Such nanomagnets have a wide range of potential applications, for example, in energy-efficient data storage. Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Kohlenforschung (MPI KOFO), the Joint Lab EPR4Energy of the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion (MPI CEC) and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin were involved in the study.
The research involved a bismuth complex synthesized in the group of Josep Cornella (MPI KOFO). This molecule has unique magnetic properties that a team led by Frank Neese (MPI KOFO) recently predicted in theoretical studies. So far, however, all attempts to measure the magnetic properties of the bismuth complex and thus experimentally confirm the theoretical predictions have failed.
This important step has now been achieved by using THz electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (THz-EPR) at the synchrotron radiation source BESSY II, which is operated by the HZB in Berlin.
“The results show in a fascinating way that our method can be used to determine extremely high values of the magnetic anisotropy with high accuracy. Through our cooperation with scientists from fundamental research, we are thereby making a great step forward in the understanding of this class of materials,” says Tarek Al Said (HZB), first author of the study, which was recently published in the renowned Journal of the American Chemical Society.
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Leading Sasol scientist appointed as Industrial Research Fellow at HZB
Within the CARE-O-SENE project, HZB is cooperating with the South African company Sasol on innovative catalysts for sustainable aviation fuels (SAF). Now, the collaboration is intensifying: Dr. Denzil Moodley, a leading scientist in the field of Fischer-Tropsch at Sasol Research and Technology, is being appointed as Industrial Research Fellow at HZB. Moodley will contribute his expertise at HZB with the aim of accelerating the innovation cycle for sustainable fuel technologies.
HZB-magazine lichtblick - the new issue is out!
In the cover story we introduce Astrid Brandt. She is Head of User Coordination at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin. She and her team keep constant track of applications, measurement times and publications of the 1000 guest researchers who come to BESSY II each year.
She has always been fascinated by science. But she has also never let go of her other passion, which is music.
Nanoislands on silicon with switchable topological textures
Nanostructures with specific electromagnetic patterns promise applications in nanoelectronics and future information technologies. However, it is very challenging to control those patterns. Now, a team at HZB examined a specific class of nanoislands on silicon with interesting chiral, swirling polar textures, which can be stabilised and even reversibly switched by an external electric field.