• Landsgesell, S.; Prokes, K.; Ouladdiaf, B.; Klemke, B.; Prokhnenko, O.; Hepp, B.; Kiefer, K.; Argyriou, D.N.: Magnetoelectric properties in orthorhombic Nd1-xYxMnO3: Neutron diffraction experiments. Physical Review B 86 (2012), p. 054429/1-5


In this paper we investigate the complex transformation of the magnetoelectric properties from the collinear A-type phase to the multiferroic noncollinear spin cycloid in the solid solution Nd1-xYxMnO3 from compositions of x = 0.3 to 0.55 in single crystal samples. Neutron diffraction experiments at the structural phase transition (x = 0.35 to 0.45) reveal the coexistence of the A-type order and several incommensurate orders, varying with composition and temperature.