

  • Gopakumar, G.; Unger, I.; Slavícek, P.; Hergenhahn, U.; Öhrwall, G.; Malerz, S.; Céolin, D.; Trinter, F.; Winter, B.; Wilkinson, I.; Caleman, C.; Muchová, E.; Björneholm, O.: Radiation damage by extensive local water ionization from two-step electron-transfer-mediated decay of solvated ions. Nature Chemistry 15 (2023), p. 1408-1414

  • Pugini, M.; Credidio, B.; Walter, I.; Malerz, S.; Trinter, F.; Stemer, D.; Hergenhahn, U.; Meijer, G.; Wilkinson, I.; Winter, B.; Thürmer, S.: How to measure work functions from aqueous solutions. Chemical Science 14 (2023), p. 9574-9588

  • Stemer, D.; Buttersack, T.; Haak, H.; Malerz, S.; Schewe, H.C.; Trinter, F.; Mudryk, K.; Pugini, M.; Credidio, B.; Seidel, R.; Hergenhahn, U.; Meijer, G.; Thürmer, S.; Winter, B.: Photoelectron spectroscopy from a liquid flatjet. The Journal of Chemical Physics 158 (2023), p. 234202/1-10


  • Credidio, B.; Pugini, M.; Malerz, S.; Trinter, F.; Hergenhahn, U.; Wilkinson, I.; Thuermer, S.; Winter, B.: Quantitative electronic structure and work-function changes of liquid water induced by solute. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (2022), p. 1310-1325

  • Gopakumar, G.; Muchová, E.; Unger, I.; Malerz, S.; Trinter, F.; Öhrwall, G.; Lipparini, F.; Mennucci, B.; Céolin, D.; Caleman, C.; Wilkinson, I.; Winter, B.; Slavícek, P.; Hergenhahn, U.; Björneholm, O.: Probing aqueous ions with non-local Auger relaxation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (2022), p. 8661-8671

  • Pohl, M.N.; Malerz, S.; Trinter, F.; Lee, C.; Kolbeck, C.; Wilkinson, I.; Thuermer, S.; Neumark, D.M.; Nahon, L.; Powis, I.; Meijer, G.; Winter, B.; Hergenhahn, U.: Photoelectron circular dichroism in angle-resolved photoemission from liquid fenchone. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (2022), p. 8081-8092


  • Malerz, S.; Mudryk, K.; Tomaník, L.; Stemer, D.; Hergenhahn, U.; Buttersack, T.; Trinter, F.; Seidel, R.; Quevedo, W.; Goy, C.; Wilkinson, I.; Thürmer, S.; Slavícek, P.; Winter, B.: Following in Emil Fischer's Footsteps: A Site-Selective Probe of Glucose Acid-Base Chemistry. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 125 (2021), p. 6881-6892

  • Malerz, S.; Trinter, F.; Hergenhahn, U.; Ghrist, A.; Ali, H.; Nicholas, C.; Saak, C.-M.; Richter, C.; Hartweg, S.; Nahon, L.; Lee, C.; Goy, C.; Neumark, D.; Meijer, G.; Wilkinson, I.; Winter, B.; Thürmer, S.: Low-energy constraints on photoelectron spectra measured from liquid water and aqueous solutions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (2021), p. 8246-8260

  • Thurmer, S.; Malerz, S.; Trinter, F.; Hergenhahn, U.; Lee, C.; Neumark, D.M.; Meijer, G.; Winter, B.; Wilkinson, I.: Accurate vertical ionization energy and work function determinations of liquid water and aqueous solutions. Chemical Science 12 (2021), p. 10558-10582


  • Buttersack, T.; Mason, P.E.; McMullen, R.S.; Martinek, T.; Brezina, K.; Hein, D.; Ali, H.; Kolbeck, C.; Schewe, C.; Malerz, S.; Winter, B.; Seidel, R.; Marsalek, O.; Jungwirth, P.; Bradforth, S.: Valence and Core-Level X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of a Liquid Ammonia Microjet. Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 (2019), p. 1838-1841