Weinberger, N.; Stock, D.; Kaufmann, C.A.; Kodalle, T.; Heinemann, M.D.; Huber, D.; Harnisch, M.; Zimmermann, A.; Strauss, G.N.; Lackner, R.: New approach for an industrial lowtemperature roll-to-roll CI(G)Se hybrid sputter coevaporation deposition process. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 38 (2020), p. 033201/1-9
Open Access Version

A new industrial approach for the production of CuInSe2 (CISe) absorber layers in a roll-to-roll process is described. This process is used by Sunplugged GmbH and combines magnetron sputtering with thermal coevaporation. A CISe-based device with a conversion efficiency of more than 10% has been fabricated from absorbers grown on polyimide at low temperature. The characteristic properties of a copper-poor ([Cu]/[In] = 0.73) CISe layer, deposited by Sunplugged’s industrial process, are compared to those of a state-of-the-art, more copper-rich ([Cu]/[In] = 0.93) layer, grown in a molecular beam epitaxy system at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin. The presence of a so called vacancycompound in low [Cu]/[In] CISe devices exhibiting an increased bandgap energy is visible by external quantum efficiency measurements, Raman scattering, and SCAPS simulations.