• Käbisch, S.; Timpel, M.; Kirmse, H.; Gluba, M.A.; Koch, N.; Nickel, N.H.: Polarity of pulsed laser deposited ZnO nanostructures. Applied Physics Letters 108 (2016), p. 083114/1-4


ZnOnanostructures were grown by pulsed laser deposition on planar ZnO with different surface polarities. While for planar layers of pulsed laser deposited ZnO polarity control is feasible, the polarity relation of ZnOnanostructures to their substrate layers is not yet investigated. Depending on the polarity of the nucleation layer, two distinct morphologies were found, namely, nanorods on O-polar and nanowalls on Zn-polar ZnO.Convergent beam electron diffraction was performed to reveal the polarity of the ZnOnanostructures. The evolution of ZnOnanostructures is described in terms of a growth rate and a surface diffusion model.