• Ellmer, K.; Salzmann, C.; Bruns, J.; Klaer, J.: Formation of polycrystalline CuInS2-films by plasma sulphurization of Cu-In bilayers in a magnetron discharge in an Ar/H2S-atmosphere. Solid State Phenomena 67-68 (1999), p. 379-384


A new plasma technique is presented for the sulphurization of CuInS2 absorber layers for thin film solar cells. Using an RF-excited magnetron sputtering plasma it is possible to perform a treatment in an Ar/H2S-atmosphere without any deposition from the target (Cu or Cd). Using this technique, Cu-In bilayers with a Cu-to-In ratio of 1.2 were sulphurized at temperatures between 350 and 500 degrees C for 15 to 240 min. The dependence of the structural and electronic parameters of the prepared CuInS2 films, which were found to be roquesite, is reported. The films display a (112) texture and are very porous compared to cells sulphurized conventionally in elemental sulphur vapour. From such absorber layers solar cells have been prepared. With the best cell a solar conversion efficiency of 6.2 % under simulated AM1.5 illumination could be achieved. These promising results open the way for a process based only on sputtering magnetrons for the preparation of CuInS2-solar cells.