• Bohlen H.G. ; von Oertzen W. ; Kalpakchieva R. ; Gebauer B. ; Grimes S.M. ; Massey T.N. ; Lenske H. ; Lenz A. ; Milin M. ; Schulz Ch. ; Kokalowa T. ; Torilov S. ; Thummerer S.: Structure studies of neutron-rich beryllium and carbon isotopes. In: Jolos J. [Ed.] : Nuclear clusters : from light to superheavy nuclei ; symposium, 5 - 9 August, 2002, Rauischholzhausen, GermanyDebrecen: EP Systema, 2003. - ISBN 963-206-299-X, p. 53-58

The structure of neutron-rich beryllium isotopes has been investigated using different heavy-ion induced transfer reactions. A strong sensitivity to the chosen core nucleus is found for the cores of 9Be and 10Be, respectively. With a 9Be core, molecular rotational bands up to high excitation energies are observed due to the pronounced 2α-cluster structure, whereas only few states at low excitation energies are populated with a 10Be core. For 11Be a detailed investigation has been performed for the three states at 3.41~MeV, 3.89~MeV and 3.96~MeV, which resulted in the most probable spin-parity assignments 3/2+, 5/2- and 3/2-, respectively. Furthermore we have studied particle-hole states of 16C using the 13C(12C,9C)16C reaction and found 14 previously unknown states.