Photon School
HZB Photon School 2024
Welcome to the HZB Photon School 2024 to be held in a hybrid format at the BESSY II synchrotron Light Source at the Wilhelm-Conrad-Röntgen-Campus, Berlin-Adlershof. Lectures will take place on-line at 18th - 22nd of March and trainings will be conducted on-site (*) at 25th - 28th of March.
Deadline for applications is December 10th, 2023, 23.55 CET.

18th – 22nd March: on-line lectures
25th – 28th March: on-site trainings
About the school and participation
The school is primarily aimed at master’s students and early-stage researchers in physics, chemistry, materials science, engineering, life or environmental sciences. Participants will be introduced to synchrotron and laboratory-based methods that probe the molecular structure, function and dynamics of complex material systems.
The programm consists of basic and specialized lectures given by experienced teachers who are HZB scientists or BESSY II super-users from our partner universities and research centers. The second week is dedicated to hands-on trainings at several BESSY II experimental stations and X-ray laboratories. Participants will get a vivid experience by joining an experiment to work in small groups.
The program will be held in English. Please see further Information on financial support for travel, accommodation and fees in the next section.
*Contingent on BESSY II is operating at a level that allows external users access.
Further information – Financial Support for Travel, Accomodation & Fees
Registration / Application Fee: No registration fee is required for participating at the photon school.
Application of Participants: Our capacity is 40 places for lectures and 30 places for hands-on trainings. HZB young researchers and guest scientists may apply. Applications are accepted only via the on-line platform. link
Application Deadline: 10th of December, 2023. Acceptance for Participation will be communicated by December 19th, 2023.
Selection process: The steering committee will select 30 participants for the full program (lectures and hands-on training), and 10 additional participants for lectures only.
Notification of acceptance: will be communicated by the 19th of December 2023 by e-mail. Confirmation by selected participants will be expected by e-mail until 6th of January 2024 by e-mail. If no confirmation is received, the place will be offered to another potential participant. In the unexpected event that a confirmed participation needs to be cancelled, please inform the local organizers as soon as possible. Attendance to lectures and hands-on trainings is mandatory.
Additional Financial Support for Accepted Participants: HZB covers the costs of accommodation in shared apartments nearby (HZB coordinates the booking).
Catering: on Thursday 28th of March, 2024. Participants must cover all other meals.
Travel-related costs: Financial support for travelling costs of participants coming from outside Berlin can be made available upon request.
Further information will be sent to the accepted applicants upon confirmation of participation.