Royal visit from Sweden at HZB

On 11 May, the Royal Technology Mission (RTM) was a guest at HZB. Since 1984, the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) has regularly conducted this international delegation. It is led by His Majesty the King and the Chair of IVA. RTM is a study tour with a unique opportunity for knowledge exchange and networking.

On 11 May, the Royal Technology Mission (RTM) was a guest at HZB. Since 1984, the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) has regularly conducted this international delegation. It is led by His Majesty the King and the Chair of IVA. RTM is a study tour with a unique opportunity for knowledge exchange and networking.

© M. Setzpfandt / HZB

Early in the morning, the Swedish flag was hoisted at the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin in Adlershof. After a grey start to the day, the sun made an appearance again. Just in time for the arrival of the Swedish delegation.

Early in the morning, the Swedish flag was hoisted at the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin in Adlershof. After a grey start to the day, the sun made an appearance again. Just in time for the arrival of the Swedish delegation.

© M. Setzpfandt / HZB

Welcome to Adlershof Technology Park and Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin!<br>(from left to right) Thomas Frederking, Executive Director Finance and Administration at HZB, Roland Sillmann, Managing Director of WISTA Management GmbH, King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, Per Th&ouml;resson, Ambassador of Sweden in Berlin and Bernd Rech, Scientific Director at HZB.

Welcome to Adlershof Technology Park and Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin!
(from left to right) Thomas Frederking, Executive Director Finance and Administration at HZB, Roland Sillmann, Managing Director of WISTA Management GmbH, King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, Per Thöresson, Ambassador of Sweden in Berlin and Bernd Rech, Scientific Director at HZB.

© M. Setzpfandt / HZB

In his welcome speech, Roland Sillmann underlined that Berlin-Adlershof is one of the most successful high-tech locations in Europe. The location has been implementing an integrated energy concept since 2011 and is a model for other technology and business locations on a national and international level.

In his welcome speech, Roland Sillmann underlined that Berlin-Adlershof is one of the most successful high-tech locations in Europe. The location has been implementing an integrated energy concept since 2011 and is a model for other technology and business locations on a national and international level.

© M. Setzpfandt / HZB

Bernd Rech introduced the delegation to some of HZB's research priorities: new photovoltaic technologies, more efficient batteries and catalytic processes for producing green hydrogen.&nbsp;

Bernd Rech introduced the delegation to some of HZB's research priorities: new photovoltaic technologies, more efficient batteries and catalytic processes for producing green hydrogen. 

© M. Setzpfandt / HZB

The Swedish delegation was pleased to receive the HZB cookbook "Recipes by Researchers", which contains many international recipes from HZB staff.

The Swedish delegation was pleased to receive the HZB cookbook "Recipes by Researchers", which contains many international recipes from HZB staff.

© M.Setzpfandt / HZB

Simon M&uuml;ller, Director of the think tank Agora Energiewende, gave an insight into German energy policy. He mentioned that Germany and Sweden are determined to develop solutions to combat the climate crisis. Close dialogue is crucial to move forward quickly and effectively - there is much to learn from each other, M&uuml;ller said.

Simon Müller, Director of the think tank Agora Energiewende, gave an insight into German energy policy. He mentioned that Germany and Sweden are determined to develop solutions to combat the climate crisis. Close dialogue is crucial to move forward quickly and effectively - there is much to learn from each other, Müller said.

© M. Setzpfandt / HZB

Following the presentations, there were questions and various inputs. Here Anna Borg, Managing Director of Vattenfall, highlighting the cooperation between her company and HZB in Wannsee.&nbsp;

Following the presentations, there were questions and various inputs. Here Anna Borg, Managing Director of Vattenfall, highlighting the cooperation between her company and HZB in Wannsee. 

© M. Setzpfandt / HZB

Over lunch, the RTM 2022 theme of energy and digitalisation was further discussed.

Over lunch, the RTM 2022 theme of energy and digitalisation was further discussed.

© M. Setzpfandt / HZB

After lunch, visits were on the agenda. Here in the picture: the group discussing next-generation batteries with Yan Lu (presenting) and Philipp Adelhelm.

After lunch, visits were on the agenda. Here in the picture: the group discussing next-generation batteries with Yan Lu (presenting) and Philipp Adelhelm.

© M. Setzpfandt / HZB

In the SISSY-lab, Robert Schl&ouml;gl from the Fritz-Haber- Institut explained catalytic processes for obtaining and processing green hydrogen.

In the SISSY-lab, Robert Schlögl from the Fritz-Haber- Institut explained catalytic processes for obtaining and processing green hydrogen.

© M. Setzpfandt / HZB

This group also had the opportunity to see the experimental hall of BESSY II with Marcus B&auml;r and learn more about research done at a light source.

This group also had the opportunity to see the experimental hall of BESSY II with Marcus Bär and learn more about research done at a light source.

© M. Setzpfandt / HZB

In the control room, BESSY II facility spokesperson Antje Vollmer explained to the guests how the light source works.&nbsp;

In the control room, BESSY II facility spokesperson Antje Vollmer explained to the guests how the light source works. 

© M. Setzpfandt / HZB

A group got detailed information about photovoltaic technologies. In the picture: Eva Unger and Rutger Schlatmann.

A group got detailed information about photovoltaic technologies. In the picture: Eva Unger and Rutger Schlatmann.

© M. Setzpfandt / HZB

King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden discovered with great interest the perovskite silicon tandem solar cell with which HZB has achieved a world record.

King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden discovered with great interest the perovskite silicon tandem solar cell with which HZB has achieved a world record.

© M. Setzpfandt / HZB

Before boarding the bus again for further stops in Adlershof, the hydrogen filling station and the Picea year-round electricity storage facility, Roland Sillmann (left) and Bernd Rech joined the discussions.&nbsp;

Before boarding the bus again for further stops in Adlershof, the hydrogen filling station and the Picea year-round electricity storage facility, Roland Sillmann (left) and Bernd Rech joined the discussions. 

© M. Setzpfandt / HZB

Sven Stafstr&ouml;m, Director General of the Swedish Research Council (right) and Bernd Rech (left) also had content faces when they said goodbye.

Sven Stafström, Director General of the Swedish Research Council (right) and Bernd Rech (left) also had content faces when they said goodbye.

© M. Setzpfandt / HZB

A big thank you to everyone involved for their commitment - it was a successful visit!

A big thank you to everyone involved for their commitment - it was a successful visit!

© M. Setzpfandt / HZB

King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden as well as a group of business leaders from large corporations such as Ericsson, Nordholt, Vattenfall, ABB, Schneider Electric and Swedish representatives from the public sector and academia visited the Adlershof Technology Park on 11 May 2022.

The science city in the south-east of Berlin was the first station on the Berlin programme of the delegation from the Royal Swedish Academy of Science and Engineering, which was also accompanied by the ambassador of Sweden in Berlin.

Roland Sillmann, Managing Director of WISTA Management GmbH, which operates the Adlershof Technology Park, pointed out that Berlin Adlershof, one of the most successful high-tech locations in Europe, has been implementing an integrated energy concept since 2011 and that the location has thus become a model for other large technology and business locations at both national and international level. The research institutes and technology companies in Adlershof with their research and developments are significant drivers of the energy transition.

The delegation was able to learn about novel photovoltaic technologies, the next generation of batteries and catalytic processes for the production and processing of green hydrogen at the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin for Materials and Energy (HZB).

"The discussion with King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden and his high-ranking delegation members on issues of energy supply based on renewable sources was very inspiring," says Prof. Bernd Rech, Scientific Director of HZB. "Everyone is aware of the need for climate protection and that it is possible to shape the future safely with renewable energies. We are very pleased about the many points of contact for increased cooperation."

Earlier, Simon Müller, Director of the think tank Agora Energiewende, gave an insight into German energy policy. He is certain: "Germany and Sweden are both determined to develop solutions to combat the climate crisis. Close dialogue is crucial to move forward quickly and effectively - there is much to learn from each other."

Two examples of innovative products "Made in Adlershof", which the Swedish delegation also visited with great interest, were a hydrogen filling station and the Picea year-round electricity storage system.

"Whether as fuel, heat or raw material - green hydrogen can make a significant contribution to achieving climate goals in many industries," explained Graforce founder and CEO Dr Jens Hanke. "Our plasmalysis plants produce CO2-free or CO2-negative hydrogen from wastewater, methane, liquid manure or ammonia. In this way, we close energy and material cycles and make a significant contribution to a future without fossil fuels and CO2 emissions - and we do it quickly and comparatively cost-effectively."

"The visit of this high-ranking business delegation led by the King of Sweden is an honour for our innovative and unique year-round electricity storage system picea," says Zeyad Abul-Ella, founder and CEO of HPS Home Power Solutions.

Joint press release by HZB and WISTA (sn/ih)
Picture Gallery (fk/sz)

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