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EMIL- Steering Committee (StC)

The StC is the executive body for the EMIL core facility. It meets twice per year and coordinates the scientific program. Institutes providing to and operating  an instrument and/or lab at the EMIL core facility are represented by a member in the StC:



  • The StC discuss the scientific program and is responsible for the further development of the scientific case for EMIL.
  • The StC receives advice from the International Advisory Committee (IAC).
  • The StC recommends to Board of directors installation or removal of tools (except in the CAT lab).
  • Membership of "Organization units"(OUs) can change when OUs install or remove tools.
  • Each OU is responsible for the installation, operation and maintenance of their tools, including user support.
  • Use of the tools outside beamtime is at the discretion of the OUs and does not count towards in-house research time.

A subdivision of the StC,  the EMIL Task Force (TF) is responsible for day-to-day management. The TF meets once per month.