Reaching climate targets with building integrated Photovoltaics

The Aktiv-Stadthaus in Frankfurt am Main achieves the efficiency house Plus Standard despite difficult conditions.

The Aktiv-Stadthaus in Frankfurt am Main achieves the efficiency house Plus Standard despite difficult conditions. © HHS Planer + Architekten AG, Kassel

By 2050, the building stock in Germany must be almost climate-neutral in order to achieve the climate targets - an ambitious goal. Especially in cities with multi-storey buildings, roof areas alone do not offer sufficient space to cover a significant portion of the electricity demand with photovoltaics. There is now a wide range of façade elements that generate photovoltaic electricity. So far, however, such building-integrated PV modules have rarely been installed. The Advisory Centre for Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BAIP) at HZB wants to change this:

Through intensive exchange between builders, architects, investors, planners, manufacturers, developers and authorities, it wants to help ensure that this option is taken into account as a matter of course in the future.

Exchange of experiences and best practice examples

As one of the first measures, the Advisory Centre for Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BAIP) invited architects to an exchange of experiences. The event with the somewhat provocative title "Architecture and Photovoltaics: Beauty and the Beast" was completely booked out and was recognised as an advanced training course by several regional chambers of architects.

Read the full article (in German) here

Markus Sauerborn

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