Macromolecular Crystallography 14.2
The beamline BL 14.2 is a tuneable energy beamline for macromolecular crystallography. This beamline has a high level of automation and can perform X-ray diffraction experiments of very small crystals down to 15 micrometers and is dedicated to highly automated fragment-screening experiments. Please find in the table below the characteristic of the MX station at beamline 14.2.
Crystallography (biological macromolecules), Crystallography (material sciences), Single Crystal Diffraction, Anomalous Scattering
Remote access
depends on experiment - please discuss with Instrument Scientist
Beamline data | |
Energy range | 5 - 15.5 keV |
Energy resolution | 2 eV |
Flux | 1.9·1011 (Photons/s/100mA) |
Polarisation | horizontal |
Focus size (hor. x vert.) | 100 μm ∅ 50 μm ∅ 30 μm ∅ |
Phone | +49 30 8062 13432 |
Weitere Details | MX 14.2 |
Station data | |
Temperature range | 100 - 293 K |
Pressure range | ambient |
Detector | • X-fluorescence detector: Amptek X 1-2-3 SDD • 2D-detector: Pilatus3S 2M |
Manipulators | GROB robotic sample changer |
Sample holder compatibility | SPINE pucks and vials.
see: Supported Sample Holders and Vials For details contact the station manager. |
Additional equipment | |
Goniometer | Desy/HZB nanodiffractometer |
For more details visit our MX website.
BL 14.2 supports the following experimental techniques:
- De novo structure solution using MAD, SAD
- High throuput screening
- Long wavelength phasing