Helmholtz Virtual Institute MiCo: Article selected as journal highlight for 2017

First author is the mathematician Sibylle Bergmann, whose PhD work is funded by MiCo.

First author is the mathematician Sibylle Bergmann, whose PhD work is funded by MiCo. © WIAS

The Helmholtz Virtual Institute MiCo offers a platform through which the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin conducts joint research with universities and other partners on the topic of microstructures for thin-film solar cells. The journal Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering recently selected an article produced through MiCo as the highlight of those published by the journal during 2017.

The paper deals with the modelling of liquid/solid interface kinetics in silicon, the most common material used for solar cells. First author is mathematician Sibylle Bergmann, a researcher at the Weierstrass Institute who is funded by the Helmholtz Virtual Institute MiCo (Microstructure Control for thin-film solar cells).

The scientific article was evaluated by the reviewers as outstanding and was retrieved over 900 times, a particularly high number for a technical article from this subject area. The publication is available through Open Access.


Published in Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering:  „Anisotropic Solid–Liquid Interface Kinetics in Silicon: An Atomistically Informed Phase-Field Model“; S. Bergmann, K. Albe, E. Flegel, D. A. Barragan-Yani & B. Wagner

DOI: 10.1088/1361-651X/aa7862

More information on Helmholtz Virtuelle Institut "Microstructure Control for thin-film solar cells"


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