Invitation: Climate change - from knowledge to action

The graph visualizes the average temperature for Germany between 1881 and 2017; each strip stands for one year, based on the data set of the DWD.

The graph visualizes the average temperature for Germany between 1881 and 2017; each strip stands for one year, based on the data set of the DWD. © Ed Hawkins/

Climate change and its causes are undisputed. But how do we get from knowledge to action? What can science contribute to this? On Thursday, 5.12.2019 at 17:00 Clara Mayer (Fridays for Future), Volker Quaschning (HTW Berlin and Scientists for Future), Bernd Rech (scientific director of the HZB) and Kira Vinke (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research) will discuss these questions. The event takes place in the Bunsen lecture hall of WISTA in Adlershof and is open to the public. Admission is free.

Countless scientific studies show how important it is to limit global warming. We must reduce greenhouse gas emissions at all levels of society and in all sectors in order to achieve our climate targets. But there are many hurdles to implementation. What can science do to speed up action here? Should science interfere at all?

These questions are discussed in an open debate. Participants are Clara Mayer from Fridays for Future, Prof. Volker Quaschning (HTW Berlin and Scientists for Future), Prof. Bernd Rech (Scientific Director of the HZB) and Dr. Kira Vinke of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. The debate will be moderated by Rutger Schlatmann (Head of PVcomB at HZB).

The debate is open to the public and will take place in the Bunsen lecture hall of WISTA. Admission is free.

As the discussion takes place within the international user meeting at the HZB, the discussion language is English. 

Venue: Bunsen Lecture Hall WISTA, Rudower Chaussee 17, 12489 Berlin

Time:  Thursday, 5.12.2019 from 17:00 until 18:30


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