Mistry, S.; Dube, J.; Kamps, T.; Kühn, J.; Wang, C.: Evaluation of the in-situ photocathode handling for SRF photoinjector of SEALab. In: Ralph Assmann [Ed.] : IPAC'23 : Proceedings of the 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference ; Venice, Italy from 7 to 12 May 2023Geneve: JACoW, 2023. - ISBN 978-3-95450-231-8, p. THPA141/1-3
Open Access Version

The handling of very sensitive bi-alkali antimonide photocathodes as the electron source for the SRF photoinjector of SEAlab is a critical procedure for its operation. After the growth of the photocathode, they have to be transferred insitu under extreme UHV conditions using a vacuum suitcase and under particulate-free conditions to avoid the contamination of the SRF cavity. We investigated the storage and in-situ photocathode transfer over 40 days to study the impact of the varying vacuum conditions on the surface chemistry of the photocathode.