Kamps, T.; Abo-Bakr, M.; Alberdi-Esuain, B.; Birke, T.; Echevarria, P.; Ergenlik, E.; Fleischhauer, R.; Frahm, A.; Huck, H.; Klemz, G.; Knobloch, J.; Kolbe, J.; Kuehn, J.; Kuske, B. C.; Mistry, S.; Rehm, G.; Rotterdam, S.; Schappeit, O.; Tamashevich, Y.; Ushakov, A.; Voelker, J.; Wang, C.: Accelerator physics experiments at the versatile SRF photoinjector of SEALab. In: Ralph Assmann [Ed.] : IPAC'23 : Proceedings of the 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference ; Venice, Italy from 7 to 12 May 2023Geneve: JACoW, 2023. - ISBN 978-3-95450-231-8, p. TUPL160/1-4
Open Access Version

The superconducting radio-frequency photoelectron injector (SRF photoinjector), now under commissioning at the SEALab accelerator test facility, has the potential to cover a fast area of beam parameters. Electron bunches from fs to ps length, with fC to nC charge can be accelerated to a couple of MeV beam energy. The legacy from the energy-recovery linac (ERL) test facility bERLinPro, the foundation of SEALab, allows us to operate the SRF photoinjector at very high repetition rate, with energy recovery (ERL), in a sustainable way for fundamental accelerator research into novel, energy-efficient electron accelerators. In this paper preparatory work for two applications is detailed. One is the use of the SRF photoinjector as a direct beam source for ultrafast scattering experiments with high 6D coherence, the other are experiments towards an ERL application for high-energy physics at high average current.