• Bojahr, A.; Gohlke, M.; Leitenberger, W.; Pudell, J.; Reinhardt, M.; von Reppert, A.; Roessle, M.; Sander, M.; Gaal, P.; Bargheer, M.: Second Harmonic Generation of Nanoscale Phonon Wave Packets. Physical Review Letters 115 (2015), p. 195502/1-5


Phonons are often regarded as delocalized quasiparticles with certain energy and momentum. The anharmonic interaction of phonons determines macroscopic properties of the solid, such as thermal expansion or thermal conductivity, and a detailed understanding becomes increasingly important for functional nanostructures. Although phonon-phonon scattering processes depicted in simple wave-vector diagrams are the basis of theories describing these macroscopic phenomena, experiments directly accessing these coupling channels are scarce. We synthesize monochromatic acoustic phonon wave packets with only a few cycles to introduce nonlinear phononics as the acoustic counterpart to nonlinear optics. Control of the wave vector, bandwidth, and consequently spatial extent of the phonon wave packets allows us to observe nonlinear phonon interaction, in particular, second harmonic generation, in real time by wave-vector-sensitive Brillouin scattering with x-rays and optical photons.