HZB-magazine lichtblick - the new issue is out!

In the cover story we introduce Astrid Brandt. She is Head of User Coordination at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin. She and her team keep constant track of applications, measurement times and publications of the 1000 guest researchers who come to BESSY II each year.

She has always been fascinated by science. But she has also never let go of her other passion, which is music.




Click here for the online issue (English)

Topics include:

  • p. 8: Modernisation of BESSY II light source
  • p. 12: Evaluation of the mobility survey
  • p. 14: Shaping corporate culture together
  • p. 18: Artifical intelligence at HZB
  • p. 22: Interview with the new Head of the People Operations department
  • p. 25: New radiotherapy 
  • p. 26: 20 years of the School Lab 
  • p. 30: Behind the scenes: Tino Müller
  • p. 32: Prizes and Personalia
  • p. 34: Riddle
  • p. 35: Recipe

We hope you enjoy reading this issue! As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions for topics.

Your editorial team


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