Diederich, J.; Velasquez Rojas, J.; Pour, M.A. Z.; Alvarado, I. A. R.; Paszuk, A.; Sciotto, R.; Hoehn, C.; Schwarzburg, K.; Ostheimer, D.; Eichberger, R.; Schmidt, W.G.; Hannappel, T.; van de Krol, R.; Friedrich, D.: Unraveling Electron Dynamics in p-type Indium Phosphide (100): A Time-Resolved Two-Photon Photoemission Study. Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (2024), p. 8949-8960
Open Access Version

Renewable (“green”) hydrogen production through direct photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting is a potential key contributor to the sustainable energy mix of the future. We investigate the potential of indium phosphide (InP) as a reference material among III–V semiconductors for PEC and photovoltaic (PV) applications. The p(2 × 2)/c(4 × 2)-reconstructed phosphorus-terminated p-doped InP(100) (P-rich p-InP) surface is the focus of our investigation. We employ time-resolved two-photon photoemission (tr-2PPE) spectroscopy to study electronic states near the band gap with an emphasis on normally unoccupied conduction band states that are inaccessible through conventional single-photon emission methods. The study shows the complexity of the p-InP electronic band structure and reveals the presence of at least nine distinct states between the valence band edge and vacuum energy, including a valence band state, a surface defect state pinning the Fermi level, six unoccupied surface resonances within the conduction band, as well as a cluster of states about 1.6 eV above the CBM, identified as a bulk-to-surface transition. Furthermore, we determined the decay constants of five of the conduction band states, enabling us to track electron relaxation through the bulk and surface conduction bands. This comprehensive understanding of the electron dynamics in p-InP(100) lays the foundation for further exploration and surface engineering to enhance the properties and applications of p-InP-based III–V-compounds for, e.g., efficient and cost-effective PEC hydrogen production and highly efficient PV cells.