• Prokes, K.; Lander, G.H.; Bernhoeft, N.: Anomalous shift of magnetic diffuse scattering studied by neutron diffraction. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21 (2009), p. 285402/1-6


Neutron diffraction results, in the vicinity of the magnetic phase transition of USb and MnF2, are reported. The thermal evolution of the magnetic diffuse signal and nuclear Bragg reflections demonstrate that the centre of gravity of the magnetic signals does not lie at the predicted position as calculated from nuclear reflections. This phenomenon, called the q-shift, was first found using resonance x-ray scattering (RXS). The present results show that, (i) the effect is not an artefact of RXS and is also found with neutrons (ii) that the effect arises from the bulk of the sample and is not restricted to the near surface layer (~2000 Å) associated with the RXS probe in actinide systems, (iii) the effect is not restricted to actinide compounds.