• Guehrs, E.; Stadler, A.M.; Flewett, S.; Frommel, S.; Geilhufe, J.; Pfau, B.; Rander, T.; Schaffert, S.; Buldt, G.; Eisebitt, S.: Soft x-ray tomoholography. New Journal of Physics 14 (2012), p. 013022/1-7

Open Accesn Version

We demonstrate an x-ray imaging method that combines Fourier transform holography with tomography (‘tomoholography’) for threedimensional (3D) microscopic imaging. A 3D image of a diatom shell with a spatial resolution of 140 nm is presented. The experiment is realized by using a small gold sphere as the reference wave source for holographic imaging. This setup allows us to rotate the sample and to collect a number of 2D projections for tomography.