• Apel, D.; Klaus, M.; Genzel, M.; Genzel, Ch.: Rietveld-based energy-dispersive residual stress evaluation: analysis of complex stress fields σij(z). Journal of Applied Crystallography 47 (2014), p. 511-526

Open Access Version

A method for the evaluation of strongly inhomogeneous residual stress fields in the near surface region of polycrystalline materials is introduced, which exploits the full information content contained in energy-dispersive (ED) diffraction patterns. Based on RIETVELD’s data analysis concept the macro-stress induced diffraction line shifts 〖∆E〗_ψ^hkl observed in ED sin²⁡ψ measurements are described by modeling the residual stress state σ_ij (z) in the real space. Therefore, the proposed approach differs substantially from currently used methods for residual stress gradient analysis such as the ‘Universal plot’ method, which enable access to the LAPLACE stress profiles σ_ij (τ). With the example of shot-peened samples made of steel 100Cr6 and Al2O3, respectively, it is demonstrated that the simultaneous refinement of all diffraction patterns obtained in a sin²⁡ψ measurement with hundreds of diffraction lines provides very stable solutions for the residual stress depth profiles. Furthermore, it is shown that the proposed evaluation concept even allows for considering the residual stress component σ_33 (z) in the thickness direction, which is difficult to detect by conventional sin²⁡ψ analysis.