Jodlowski, A.; Roldán-Carmona, C.; Grancini, G.; Salado, M.; Ralaiarisoa, M.; Ahmad, S.; Koch, N.; Camacho, L.; De Miguel, G.; Nazeeruddin, M.: Large guanidinium cation mixed with methylammonium in lead iodide perovskites for 19% efficient solar cells. Nature Energy 2 (2017), p. 972-979
Open Access Version

Organic–inorganic lead halide perovskites have shown photovoltaic performances above 20% in a range of solar cell architectures while offering simple and low-cost processability. Despite the multiple ionic compositions that have been reported so far, the presence of organic constituents is an essential element in all of the high-efficiency formulations, with the methylammonium and formamidinium cations being the sole efficient options available to date. In this study, we demonstrate improved material stability after the incorporation of a large organic cation, guanidinium, into the MAPbI3 crystal structure, which delivers average power conversion efficiencies over 19%, and stabilized performance for 1,000 h under continuous light illumination, a fundamental step within the perovskite field.