Publications 2023
Blesio, G.G.; Lisandrini, F.T.; Gonzalez, M.G.:
Partially disordered Heisenberg antiferromagnet with short-range stripe correlations. Physical Review B 107 (2023), p. 134418/1-11
doi: 10.1103/physrevb.107.134418
Open Access (external provider)
Fancelli, A.; Reuther, J.; Lake, B.:
Classical spin models of the windmill lattice and their relevance for PbCuTe2O6. Physical Review B 108 (2023), p. 184415/1-17
doi: 10.1103/physrevb.108.184415
Open Access
Gonzalez, M.G.; Bernu, B.; Pierre, L.; Messio, L.:
Finite-temperature phase transitions in S= 12 three-dimensional Heisenberg magnets from high-temperature series expansions. Physical Review B 107 (2023), p. 235151/1-13
doi: 10.1103/physrevb.107.235151
Open Access (external provider)
Kiese, D.; Ferrari, F.; Astrakhantsev, N.; Niggemann, N.; Ghosh, P.; Müller, T.; Thomale, R.; Neupert, T.; Reuther, J.; Gingras, M.J.P.; Trebst, S.; Iqbal, Y.:
Pinch-points to half-moons and up in the stars: The kagome skymap. Physical Review Research 5 (2023), p. L012025/1-8
doi: 10.1103/physrevresearch.5.l012025
Open Access
Niggemann, N.; Astrakhantsev, N.; Ralko, A.; Ferrari, F.; Maity, A.; Müller, T.; Reuther, J.; Iqbal, Y.; Jeschke, H.O.:
Quantum paramagnetism in the decorated square-kagome antiferromagnet Na6Cu7BiO4(PO4)4Cl3. Physical Review B 108 (2023), p. L241117/1-6
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.108.L241117
Open Access (external provider)
Niggemann, N.; Iqbal, Y.; Reuther, J.:
Quantum Effects on Unconventional Pinch Point Singularities. Physical Review Letters 130 (2023), p. 196601/1-7
doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.130.196601
Open Access
Noculak, V.; Lozano-Gómez, D.; Oitmaa, J.; Singh, R.R.P.; Iqbal, Y.; Gingras, M.J.P.; Reuther, J.:
Classical and quantum phases of the pyrochlore S = 1/2 magnet with Heisenberg and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions. Physical Review B 107 (2023), p. 214414/1-24
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.107.214414
Open Access
Schaden, Y.; Reuther, J.:
Bilinear Majorana representations for spin operators with spin magnitudes S > ½. Physical Review Research 5 (2023), p. 023067/1-16
doi: 10.1103/physrevresearch.5.023067
Open Access