Soft X-ray undulator radiation variable polarization with SGM and resonant bunch excitation

Soft x-ray beamline with variable polarization covering the range of 100 - 1500 eV with an x-ray spot size of approximately 60 µm (horizontal). The polarization can be freely chosen between linear (any orientation) and circular.

Optical layout of the SGM beamline at the undulator UE52. <br>Taken from Senf et al. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. A 467-468, 474-478(2001).

Optical layout of the SGM beamline at the undulator UE52.
Taken from Senf et al. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. A 467-468, 474-478(2001).

Beamline data
Segment H09
Location (Pillar) 10.2
Source UE52 (Elliptical Undulator)
Monochromator SGM
Energy range 100 - 1500 eV
Energy resolution > 4,000
Flux > 1012
Polarisation variable
Divergence horizontal 6 mrad
Divergence vertical 1 mrad
Focus size (hor. x vert.) 60 µm (hor)
User endstation no
Distance Focus/last valve 530 mm
Height Focus/floor level 1417 mm
Beam availability 12h/d
Phone +49 30 8062 13431
Premonochromator optics M1: cylindrical mirror, horizontal deflection, 2Θ=175o, gold coated, water cooled, vertical demagnification (17:2.5) of source on entrance slit
Entrance slit Slit setting: 0-2000 μm, water cooling, insolated blades for vertical beam position sensing, on line laser diffraction slit width monitor
Monochromator Principle:
variable deflection angle, focused spherical grating monochromator
Optical components:
M2: plane mirror, vertical deflection, 2Θ=169-175o, gold coated, water cooled G1-3: spherical gratings, vertical deflection, 2Θ=169-175o, gold coated, water cooled
Exit slit Slit setting= 0-2000 μm, ±200 mm translation, on line laser diffraction slitwidth monitor
Postmonochromator optics M3: cylindrical mirror, horizontal deflection, 2Θ=176o, gold coated, vertical demagnification (1:1) of exit slit
M4: plane elliptical mirror, horizontal deflection, 2Θ=176o, gold coated, horizontal demagnification of source
References F. Senf et al. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 467-468, 474-478 (2001).
K. Godehusen, Phys. Rev. A 68, 012711 (2003)
Applicable station(s)
AXSYS TES 20 K - room temperature
AXSYS-nmTransmission NEXAFS room temperature
Photon flux versus photon energy for the three gratings with 900, 1200 and with 1500 l/mm and with,<br>from top to bottom, horizontally, vertically and circularly polarized light (for an exit slit width of 20 µm).

Photon flux versus photon energy for the three gratings with 900, 1200 and with 1500 l/mm and with,
from top to bottom, horizontally, vertically and circularly polarized light (for an exit slit width of 20 µm).

Resolving power of UE52-SGM versus photon energy as covered by the 1<sup>st</sup>, 3<sup>rd</sup> and 5<sup>th</sup> undulator harmonics<br> for the three gratings of the monochromator and for two representative settings of the exit slit (10 and 20 µm).

Resolving power of UE52-SGM versus photon energy as covered by the 1st, 3rd and 5th undulator harmonics
for the three gratings of the monochromator and for two representative settings of the exit slit (10 and 20 µm).

Beam at UE52-SGM in focus position (17 um x 23 um) measured on 17-04-2015

Beam at UE52-SGM in focus position (17 um x 23 um) measured on 17-04-2015

Beam at UE52-SGM 30 mm out of focus position upstream measured on 17-04-2015

Beam at UE52-SGM 30 mm out of focus position upstream measured on 17-04-2015

Beam at UE52-SGM 30 mm out of focus position downstream measured on 17-04-2015

Beam at UE52-SGM 30 mm out of focus position downstream measured on 17-04-2015