ARPES One-Cube

1^3-ARPES ultra high resolution photoemission station

This instrument is designed for angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy at the highest energy resolution and ultimately low sample temperatures. In this system, all contributors to experimental broadening – the resolution of both the excitation source and the electron energy analyzer as well as the sample temperature – have been reduced to ≤1 meV or their equivalent, yielding the name of the station: 1 meV x 1 meV x 1 K = 1^3.

Selected Applications:
  • High resolution electronic structure measurements at low temperature to study for instance unconventional superconductors and heavy-fermion materials
  • study the effect of low temperature phase transitions (for example magnetic) on the electronic structure
Inside One-Cubed ARPES

Inside One-Cubed ARPES



Remote access

depends on experiment - please discuss with Instrument Scientist

Beamline data
Energy range 4 - 200 eV
Energy resolution < 1 meV for E < 100 eV
Flux >1013 (photons/s/0.1%bw/100 mA)
Polarisation • linear any angle
• circular
Focus size (hor. x vert.) 250µm x variable (typically ~40µm)
Phone +49 30 8062 14696
More details UE112_PGM-2b-1^3
Station data
Temperature range 1 - 50 K
Pressure range For details contact the Instrument Scientist.
Detector Scienta DA30L Electron Spectrometer
Manipulators 3He Cryomanipulator with 3 translational and one rotational degree of freedom
Sample holder compatibility For details contact the Instrument Scientist.
Additional equipment Preparation facilities:
• Ion gun for sample cleaning
• Low temperature (< 700 K) sample heater
• 4-grid LEED optics
• Evaporators can be mounted on request

This experiment is built in a collaborative effort by the IFW Dresden, TU Dresden and the HZB.