ENERGIZE is a collaborative effort of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (HU) and the Integrative Research Institute for the Sciences Adlershof (IRIS). The goal of this project is to build and operate a beamline with a suitable end-station for materials science in the field of energy research. ENERGIZE will be dedicated to research on hybrid materials and energy efficient technologies.

Optical layout of the ENERGIZE beamline as planned

Optical layout of the ENERGIZE beamline as planned

Station data
Temperature range 160 K - 1100 K
Pressure range 1·10-10 mbar working pressure in analysis chamber
More details ENERGIZE
Beamline data
Segment L16
Location (Pillar) 1.1
Source D151 (Dipole)
Monochromator PM5
Energy range 20 eV to 1.5 keV
Energy resolution E/ΔE=2888@500 eV (calculated)
Flux ~7·109@500 photons/s/0.1 A/1 μm2 (calculated)
Polarisation linear horizontal
Divergence horizontal -- mrad
Divergence vertical -- mrad
Focus size (hor. x vert.) 145 x 92 μm (calculated)
User endstation not possible
Distance Focus/last valve -- mm
Height Focus/floor level -- mm
Beam availability --
Phone +49 30 8062 12155

ENERGIZE is a collaborative effort of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (HU) and the Integrative Research Institute for the Sciences Adlershof (IRIS). The goal of this project is to build and operate a beamline with a suitable end-station for materials science in the field of energy research. The new dipole-PGM (plane grating mirror) beam-line is optimized for the 20 eV to 1.5 keV energy range, which is ideally suited to perform ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) measurements. In addition, an attenuator system will be installed, to allow measurements on radiation sensitive samples (<5 pA/cm² sample current).

ENERGIZE will be dedicated to research on hybrid materials and energy efficient technologies. The beamline is currently under construction.