Scientific field: Life Sciences & Biotechnology
This field includes any research at BESSY II that is related to living organisms or biological structures. A major part of the field life is the protein structure determination done at the MX beamlines (MX: Macromolecular Crystallography). But also biophysical effects of smaller molecules and biotechnology belong into this field.
Please find here a list of instruments at BESSY II which your colleagues chose to perform research in the field "Life".
Station | Energy Range | Polarisation | Beamline | Contact |
BAMline Imaging | 4500 - 60000 eV | horizontal | BAMline | Henning Markötter |
BAMline Spectroscopy | 4500 - 60000 eV | horizontal | BAMline | Martin Radtke
Ana Guilherme Buzanich |
HE SGM Station | 155 - 750 eV | horizontal | HE-SGM | Maria Brzhezinskaya |
IR-Spectroscopy and Microscopy | .0006 - 1 eV | linearly horizontal/vertical | IRIS | Ulrich Schade
Ljiljana Puskar |
.0006 - 1 eV | linearly horizontal/vertical | IRIS 2 | ||
MAXYMUS | 200 - 1900 eV | Horizontal, Vertical, Circular positive, Circular negative | UE46_MAXYMUS | Markus Weigand
Sebastian Wintz Simone Raoux |
MX-14-1 | 5000 - 15500 eV | horizontal | MX 14.1 | Manfred Weiss
Uwe Müller |
MX-14-2 | 5000 - 15500 eV | horizontal | MX 14.2 | Manfred Weiss
Uwe Müller |
MX-14-3 | 13870 - 13870 eV | horizontal | MX 14.3 | Manfred Weiss
Uwe Müller |
mySpot | 4000 - 25000 eV | horizontal | mySpot Beamline | Ivo Zizak |
XM - X-ray Microscopy | 250 - 2800 eV | horizontal | U41-TXM | Stephan Werner |