KMC-2 Diffraction
KMC-2 Diffraction
2024Hidalgo, J.; Breternitz, J.; Többens, D.M.; LaFollette, D.K.; Pedorella, C.N.B.; Sher, M.-J.; Schorr, S.; Correa-Baena, J.-P.: Br-Induced Suppression of Low-Temperature Phase Transitions in Mixed-Cation Mixed-Halide Perovskites. , Chemistry of Materials 36 (2024), p. 10167-10175
doi: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.4c01670
Li, Y.; Mazzio, K.; Yaqoob, N.; Sun, Y.; Freytag, A.; Wong, D.; Schulz, C.; Baran, V.; Mendez, A.S.J.; Schuck, G.; Zajac, M.; Kaghazchi, P.; Adelhelm, P.: Competing Mechanisms Determine Oxygen Redox in Doped Ni–Mn Based Layered Oxides for Na-Ion Batteries. , Advanced Materials 36 (2024), p. 2309842/1-13
doi: 10.1002/adma.202309842
Kingsbery, P.; Manzoni, A.M.; Ocaño, P.S.; Többens, D.M.; Stephan-Scherb, C.: High-temperature KCl-induced corrosion of high Cr and Ni alloys investigated by in-situ diffraction. , Materials and Corrosion = Werkstoffe und Korrosion 75 (2024), p. 1272-1281
doi: 10.1002/maco.202314224
Smekhova, A.; Szyjka, T.; La Torre, E.; Ollefs, K.; Eggert, B.; Coester, B.; Wilhelm, F.; Bali, R.; Lindner, J.; Rogalev, A.; Többens, D.; Weschke, E.; Luo, C.; Chen, K.; Radu, F.; Schmitz-Antoniak, C.; Wende, H.: Irradiation-induced enhancement of Fe and Al magnetic polarizations in Fe60Al40 films. , New Journal of Physics 24 (2024), p. 023036/1-15
doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/ad1497
Stasko, D.; Vlaskova, K.; Kancko, A.; Többens, D.M.; Daisenberger, D.; Garbarino, G.; Colman, R.H.; Klicpera, M.: Robustness of the pyrochlore structure in rare-earth A2Ir2O7 iridates and pressure-induced structural transformation in IrO2. , Ceramics International 50 (2024), p. 35657-35665
doi: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2024.06.383
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Iebole, Michela: Study of the irradiation effects on superconducting films of iron based superconductors. , Thesis, Università degli Studi di Genova, 2024
Yesilcicek, Y.; Haas, S.; Suárez Ocaño, P.; Zaiser, E.; Hesse, R.; Többens, D. M.; Glatzel, U.; Manzoni , A. M.: Controlling Lattice Misfit and Creep Rate Through the γ' Cube Shapes in the Al10Co25Cr8Fe15Ni36Ti6 Compositionally Complex Alloy with Hf and W Additions. , High Entropy Alloys & Materials 1 (2023), p. 134–142
doi: 10.1007/s44210-022-00009-1
Putz, B.; Edwards, T.E. J.; Huszar, E.; Gruber, P.A.; Gradwohl, K.-P.; Kreiml, P.; Többens, D.M.; Michler, J.: Electromechanical Behavior of Al/Al2O3 Multilayers on Flexible Substrates: Insights from In Situ Film Stress and Resistance Measurements. , Advanced Engineering Materials 25 (2023), p. 2200951/1-15
doi: 10.1002/adem.202200951
Cordill, MJ.; Kreiml, P; Jörg, T; Zak, S; Mitterer, C: Parameters influencing the fracture of Mo films and their wider significance. , MRS Advances 8 (2023), p. 1061-1067
doi: 10.1557/s43580-023-00612-3
Hidalgo, J.; Kaiser, W.; An, Y.; Li, R.; Oh, Z.; Castro-Méndez, A.-F.; LaFollette, D.K.; Kim, S.; Lai, B.; Breternitz, J.; Schorr, S.; Perini, C.A.R.; Mosconi, E.; De Angelis, F.; Correa-Baena, J.-P.: Synergistic Role of Water and Oxygen Leads to Degradation in Formamidinium-Based Halide Perovskites. , Journal of the American Chemical Society 145 (2023), p. 24549–24557
doi: 10.1021/jacs.3c05657
Krause, S.; Evans, J.D.; Bon, V.; Crespi, S.; Danowski, W.; Browne, W.R.; Ehrling, S.; Walenszus, F.; Wallacher, D.; Grimm, N.; Többens, D.M.; Weiss, M.S.; Kaskel, S.; Feringa, B.L.: Cooperative light-induced breathing of soft porous crystals via azobenzene buckling. , Nature Communications 13 (2022), p. 1951/1-10
doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-29149-z
Schuck, G.; Többens, D.M.; Wallacher, D.; Grimm, N.; Tien, T.S.; Schorr, S.: Temperature-Dependent EXAFS Measurements of the Pb L3-Edge Allow Quantification of the Anharmonicity of the Lead–Halide Bond of Chlorine-Substituted Methylammonium (MA) Lead Triiodide. , The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126 (2022), p. 5388–5402
doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c05750
Lassnig, A.; Putz, B.; Hirn, S.; Többens, D.M.; Mitterer, C.; Cordill, M.J.: Adhesion evaluation of thin films to dielectrics in multilayer stacks: A comparison of four-point bending and stressed overlayer technique. , Materials & Design 200 (2021), p. 109451/1-8
doi: 10.1016/j.matdes.2021.109451
Ballabio, M.; Zhang, T.; Chen, C.; Zhang, P.; Liao, Z.; Hambsch, M.; Mannsfeld, S.C.B.; Zschech, E.; Sirringhaus, H.; Feng, X.; Bonn, M.; Dong, R.; Canovas, E.: Band-like Charge Transport in Phytic Acid-Doped Polyaniline Thin Films. , Advanced Functional Materials 31 (2021), p. 2105184/1-9
doi: 10.1002/adfm.202105184
Dagar, J.; Fenske, M.; Al-Ashouri, A.; Schultz, C.; Li, B.; Köbler, H.; Munir, R.; Parmasivam, G.; Li, J.; Levine, I.; Merdasa, A.; Kegelmann, L.; Näsström, H.; Márquez, J.A.; Unold, T.; Többens, D.M.; Schlatmann, R.; Stegemann, B.; Abate, A.; Albrecht, S.; Unger, E.: Compositional and Interfacial Engineering Yield High-Performance and Stable p-i-n Perovskite Solar Cells and Mini-Modules. , ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13 (2021), p. 13022–13033
doi: 10.1021/acsami.0c17893
Karpinsky, D.V.; Silibin, M.V.; Zhaludkevich, D.V.; Latushka, S.I.; Sikolenko, V.V.; Többens, D.M.; Sheptyakov, D.; Khomchenko, V.A.; Belik, A.E.: Crystal and magnetic structure transitions in BiMnO3+δ ceramics driven by cation vacancies and temperature. , Materials 14 (2021), p. 5805/1-9
doi: 10.3390/ma14195805
Cordill, M.J.; Jörg, T.; Többens, D.M.; Mitterer, C.: Improved fracture resistance of Cu/Mo bilayers with thickness tailoring. , Scripta Materialia 202 (2021), p. 113994/1-5
doi: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2021.113994
Casco, M.E.; Grätz, S.; Wallacher, D.; Grimm, N.; Többens, D.M.; Bilo, M.; Speil, N.; Fröba, M.; Borchardt, L.: Influence of surface wettability on methane hydrate formation in hydrophilic and hydrophobic mesoporous silicas. , Chemical Engineering Journal 405 (2021), p. 126955/1-11
doi: 10.1016/j.cej.2020.126955
Almeida, M.; Sharma, A.; Matthes, P.; Köhler, N.; Busse, S.; Müller, M.; Hellwig, O.; Horn, A.; Zahn, D.R.T.; Salvan, G.; Schulz, S.E.: Laser induced crystallization of Co–Fe–B films. , Scientific Reports 11 (2021), p. 14104/1-10
doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-93009-x
Bönisch, N.; Maliuta, M.; Senkovska, I.; Bon, V.; Petkov, P.; Plätzer, C.; Müller, P.; Kaskel, S.: Linker Expansion and Its Impact on Switchability in Pillared-Layer MOFs. , Inorganic Chemistry 60 (2021), p. 1726-1737
doi: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c03218
Bon, V.; Krause, S.; Senkovska, I.; Grimm, N.; Wallacher, D.; Többens, D.M.; Kaskel, S.: Massive Pressure Amplification by Stimulated Contraction of Mesoporous Frameworks. , Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 60 (2021), p. 11735-11739
doi: 10.1002/anie.202100549
Lassnig, A.; Terziyska, V.; Zalesak, J.; Jörg, T.; Toebbens, D.M.; Griesser, T.; Mittterer, Ch.; Pippan, R.; Cordill, M.J.: Microstructural effects on the interfacial adhesion of nanometer-thick Cu films on glass substrates: Implications for microelectronic devices. , ACS Applied Nano Materials 4 (2021), p. 61-70
doi: 10.1021/acsanm.0c02182
Manzoni, A. M.; Dubois, F.; Mousa, M.S.; von Schlippenbach, C.; Többens, D.M.; Yesilcicek, Y.; Zaiser, E.; Hesse, R.; Haas, S.; Glatzel, U.: On the Formation of Eutectics in Variations of the Al10Co25Cr8Fe15Ni36Ti6 Compositionally Complex Alloy. , Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 52 (2021), p. 143–150
doi: 10.1007/s11661-020-06091-7
Rodríguez, L.; Sandiumenge, F.; Frontera, C.; Padilla, J.; Catalán, G.; Santiso, J.: Strong strain gradients and phase coexistence at the metal-insulator transition in VO2 epitaxial films. , Acta Materialia 220 (2021), p. 11736/1-11
doi: 10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117336
Shargaieva, O.; Näsström, H.; Li, J.; Többens, D.M.; Unger, E.L.: Temperature-Dependent Crystallization Mechanisms of Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite From Different Solvents. , Frontiers in Energy Research 9 (2021), p. 749604/1-11
doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2021.749604
Felsner, B.; Bon, V.; Evans, J.D.; Schwotzer, F.; Grünker, R.; Senkovska, I.; Kaskel, S.: Unraveling the Guest-Induced Switchability in the Metal-Organic Framework DUT-13(Zn). , Chemistry - A European Journal 27 (2021), p. 9708-9715
doi: 10.1002/chem.202100599
Többens, D.M.; Gurieva, G.; Niedenzu, S.; Schuck, G.; Zizak, I.; Schorr, S.: Cation distribution in Cu2ZnSnSe4, Cu2FeSnS4and Cu2ZnSiSe4 by multiple-edge anomalous diffraction. , Acta Crystallographica Section B - Structural Science 76 (2020), p. 1027-1035
doi: 10.1107/s2052520620013384
Gurieva, G.; Többens, D.M.; Levcenco, S.; Unold, T.; Schorr, S.: Cu/Zn disorder in stoichiometric Cu2ZnSn(S1-xSex)4 semiconductors: A complementary neutron and anomalous X-ray diffraction study. , Journal of Alloys and Compounds 846 (2020), p. 156304/1-8
doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2020.156304
Phung, Thi Thuy Nga: Defect Chemistry in Halide Perovskites Material Characterisation and Device Integration. , Universität Potsdam, 2020
Krause, S.; Evans, J.D.; Bon, V.; Senkovska, I.; Ehrling, S.; Iacomi, P.; Többens, D.M.; Wallacher, D.; Weiss, M.S.; Zheng, B.; Yot, P.G.; Maurin, G.; Llewellyn, P.L.; Coudert, F.X.; Kaskel, S.: Engineering micromechanics of soft porous crystals for negative gas adsorption. , Chemical Science 11 (2020), p. 9468-9479
doi: 10.1039/d0sc03727c
Shargaieva, O.; Näsström, H.; Smith, J.; Többens, D.; Munir, R.; Unger, E.: Hybrid perovskite crystallization from binary solvent mixtures: interplay of evaporation rate and binding strength of solvents. , Materials Advances 1 (2020), p. 3314-3321
doi: 10.1039/D0MA00815J
Di Girolamo, D.; Phung, N.; Kosasih, F.U.; Di Giacomo, F.; Matteocci, F.; Smith, J.A.; Flatken, M.A.; Köbler, H.; Turren Cruz, S.H.; Mattoni, A.; Cinà, L.; Rech, B.; Latini, A.; Divitini, G.; Ducati, C.; Di Carlo, A.; Dini, D.; Abate, A.: Ion Migration-Induced Amorphization and Phase Segregation as a Degradation Mechanism in Planar Perovskite Solar Cells. , Advanced Energy Materials 10 (2020), p. 2000310/1-11
doi: 10.1002/aenm.202000310
Abylgazina, L.; Senkovska, I.; Ehrling, S.; Bon, V.; Petkov, P. St.; Evans, J.D.; Krylova, S.; Krylov, A.; Kaskel, S.: Tailoring adsorption induced switchability of a pillared layer MOF by crystal size engineering. , CrystEngComm 23 (2020), p. 538-549
doi: 10.1039/d0ce01497d
Manzoni, A.M.; Haas, S.; Kropf, H.; Duarte, J.; Cakir, C.T.; Dubois, F.; Többens, D.; Glatzel, U.: Temperature evolution of lattice misfit in Hf and Mo variations of the Al10Co25Cr8Fe15Ni36Ti6 compositionally complex alloy. , Scripta Materialia 188 (2020), p. 74-79
doi: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2020.07.013
Franz, A.; Többens, D.M.; Lehmann, F.; Kärgell, M.; Schorr, S.: The influence of deuteration on the crystal structure of hybrid halide perovskites: a temperature-dependent neutron diffraction study of FAPbBr3. , Acta Crystallographica Section B - Structural Science 76 (2020), p. 267-274
doi: 10.1107/s2052520620002620
Dislaki, E.; Cialone, M.; Celegato, F.; Rizzi, P.; Tiberto, P.; Vadilonga, S.; Többens, D.; Sort, J.; Pellicer, E.: Unraveling the properties of sharply defined submicron scale FeCu and FePd magnetic structures fabricated by electrodeposition onto electron-beam-lithographed substrates. , Materials & Design 193 (2020), p. 108826/1-12
doi: 10.1016/j.matdes.2020.108826
Manzoni, A.M.; Haas, S.; Yu, J.M.; Daoud, H.M.; Glatzel, U.; Aboulfadl, H.; Mücklich, F.; Duran, R.; Schmitz, G.; Többens, D.M.; Matsumura, S.; Vogel, F.; Wanderka, N.: Evolution of γ/γ' phases, their misfit and volume fractions in Al10Co25Cr8Fe15Ni36Ti6 compositionally complex alloy. , Materials Characterization 154 (2019), p. 363-376
doi: 10.1016/j.matchar.2019.06.009
Casco, M.E.; Zhang, En; Grätz, S.; Krause, S.; Bon, V.; Wallacher, D.; Grimm, N.; Többens, D.M.; Hauß, T.; Borchardt, L.: Experimental Evidence of Confined Methane Hydrate in Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Model Carbons. , The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (2019), p. 24071-24079
doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b06366
Sharma, A.; Hoffmann, M.A.; Matthes, P.; Kohler, N.; Busse, S.; Muller, M.; Exner, H.; Schulz, S.E.; Zahn, D.R.T.; Salvan, G.: Magnetic Tunnel Junctions: Laser Annealing Versus Oven Annealing. , IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 55 (2019), p. 4400104/1-4
doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2018.2873428
Liu, K.; Qi, H.; Dong, R.; Shivhare, R.; Addicoat, M.; Zhang, T.; Sahabudeen, H.; Heine, T.; Mannsfeld, S.; Kaiser, U.; Zheng, Z.; Feng, X.: On-water surface synthesis of crystalline, few-layer two-dimensional polymers assisted by surfactant monolayers. , Nature Chemistry 11 (2019), p. 994-1000
doi: 10.1038/s41557-019-0327-5
Lehmann, F.; Franz, A.; Toebbens, D.M.; Levcenco, S.; Unold, T.; Taubert, A.; Schorr, S.: The phase diagram of a mixed halide (Br, I) hybrid perovskite obtained by synchrotron X-ray diffraction. , RSC Advances 9 (2019), p. 11151-11159
doi: 10.1039/c8ra09398a
Krause, S.; Evans, J.D.; Bon, V.; Senkovska, I.; Iacomi, P.; Kolbe, F.; Ehrling, S.; Troschke, E.; Getzschmann, J.; Többens, D.; Franz, A.; Wallacher, D.; Yot, P.G.; Maurin, G.; Brunner, E.; Llewellyn, P.L.; Coudert, F.-X.; Kaskel, S.: Towards general network architecture design criteria for negative gas adsorption transitions in ultraporous frameworks. , Nature Communications 10 (2019), p. 3632/1-12
doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-11565-3
Lehmann, F.; Binet, S.; Franz, A.; Taubert, A.; Schorr, S.: Cation and anion substitutions in hybrid perovskites: solubility limits and phase stabilizing effects. , In: 2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC)IEEE, 2018. - ISBN 978-1-5386-8529-7, p. 1555-1558
doi: 10.1109/PVSC.2018.8547645
Franz, A.; Többens, D.; Steckhan, J.; Schorr, S.: Determination of the miscibility gap in the solid solutions series of methylammonium lead iodide/chloride. , Acta Crystallographica Section B - Structural Science 74 (2018), p. 445-449
doi: 10.1107/S2052520618010764
Braun, D.; Schmidbauer, M.; Hanke, M.; Schwarzkopf, J.: Hierarchy and scaling behavior of multi-rank domain patterns in ferroelectric K0.9Na0.1NbO3 strained films. , Nanotechnology 29 (2018), p. 015701/1-8
doi: 10.1088/1361-6528/aa98a4
Haase, K.; Teixeira da Rocha, C.; Hauenstein, C.; Zheng, Y.; Hambsch, M.; Mannsfeld, S.: High-Mobility, Solution-Processed Organic Field-Effect Transistors from C8-BTBT:Polystyrene Blends. , Advanced Electronic Materials 4 (2018), p. 1800076/1-9
doi: 10.1002/aelm.201800076
Cordill, M.J.; Kleinbichler, A.; Völker, B.; Kraker, P.; Economy, D.R.; Többens, D.; Kirchlechner, C.; Kennedy, M.S.: In-situ observations of the fracture and adhesion of Cu/Nb mulitlayers on polyimide substrates. , Materials Science and Engineering A 735 (2018), p. 456-462
doi: 10.1016/j.msea.2018.08.043
Homburg, T.; Tschense, C.B.L.; Wolkersdoerfer, K.; Reinsch, H.; Wark, M.; Többens, D.; Zander, S.; Senker, J.; Stock, N.: Magnesium doped Gallium Phophonates Ga1-xMgx[H3+x(O3PCH2)3N] (x = 0, 0.20) and the influence on proton conductivity. , Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 644 (2018), p. 86-91
doi: 10.1002/zaac.201700371
Auer, H.; Weber, S.; Hansen, T.; Többens, D.M.; Kohlmann, H.: Reversible hydrogenation of the Zintl phases BaGe and BaSn studied by in situ diffraction. , Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 233 (2018), p. 399-409
doi: 10.1515/zkri-2017-2142
Teixeira da Rocha, C.; Haase, K.; Zheng, Y.; Löffler, M.; Hambsch, M.; Mannsfeld, S.C.B.: Solution Coating of Small Molecule/Polymer Blends Enabling Ultralow Voltage and High-Mobility Organic Transistors. , Advanced Electronic Materials 4 (2018), p. 1800141/1-9
doi: 10.1002/aelm.201800141
Krause, S.; Bon, V.; Senkovska, I.; Többens, D.; Wallacher, D.; Pillai, R.; Maurin, G.; Kaskel, S.: The effect of crystallite size on pressure amplification in switchable porous solids. , Nature Communications 9 (2018), p. 1573
doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-03979-2
Putz, B.; May-Miller, C.; Matl, V.; Völker, B.; Többens, D.; Semprimoschnig, C.; Cordill, M.: Two-stage cracking of metallic bi-layers on polymer substrates under tension. , Scripta Materialia 145 (2018), p. 5-8
doi: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2017.09.039
Krause, S.; Bon, V.; Stoeck, U.; Senkovska, I.; Többens, D.; Wallacher, D.; Kaskel, S.: A Stimuli-Responsive Zirconium Metal-Organic Framework Based on Supermolecular Design. , Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 56 (2017), p. 10676-10680
doi: 10.1002/anie.201702357
Krause, S.; Bon, V.; Stoeck, U.; Senkovska, I.; Többens, D.; Wallacher, D.; Kaskel, S.: A Stimuli-Responsive Zirconium Metal–Organic Framework Based on Supermolecular Design. , Angewandte Chemie 129 (2017), p. 10816-10820
doi: 10.1002/ange.201702357
Kleinbichler, A.; Todt, J.; Zechner, J.; Wöhlert, S.; Többens, D.M.; Cordill, M.J.: Annealing effects on the film stress and adhesion of tungsten-titanium barrier layers. , Surface & Coatings Technology 332 (2017), p. 376-381
doi: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2017.07.087
Ralaiarisoa, M.; Busby, Y.; Frisch, J.; Salzmann, I.; Pireaux, J.-J.; Koch, N.: Correlation of annealing time with crystal structure, composition, and electronic properties of CH3NH3PbI3-xClx mixed-halide perovskite films. , Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (2017), p. 828-836
doi: 10.1039/c6cp06347k
Müller, P.; Bon, V.; Senkovska, I.; Getzschmann, J.; Weiss, M.S.; Kaskel, S.: Crystal Engineering of Phenylenebis(azanetriyl))tetrabenzoate Based Metal-Organic Frameworks for Gas Storage Applications. , Crystal Growth & Design 17 (2017), p. 3221-3228
doi: 10.1021/acs.cgd.7b00184
Marx, V. M.; Cordill, M. J.; Többens, D. M.; Kirchlechner, C.; Dehm, G.: Effect of annealing on the size dependent deformation behavior of thin cobalt films on flexible substrates. , Thin Solid Films 624 (2017), p. 34-40
doi: 10.1016/j.tsf.2017.01.011
Zu, F.; Amsalem, P.; Salzmann, I.; Wang, R.-B.; Ralaiarisoa, M.; Kowarik, S.; Duhm, S.; Koch, N.: Impact of White Light Illumination on the Electronic and Chemical Structures of Mixed Halide and Single Crystal Perovskites. , Advanced Optical Materials 5 (2017), p. 1700139/1-8
doi: 10.1002/adom.201700139
Auer, H.; Wallacher, D.; Hansen, T.C.; Kohlmann, H.: In Situ Hydrogenation of the Zintl Phase SrGe. , Inorganic Chemistry 56 (2017), p. 1072-1079
doi: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.6b01945
Schaber, J.; Krause, S.; Paasch, S.; Senkovska, I.; Bon, V.; Többens, D.; Wallacher, D.; Kaskel, S.; Brunner, E.: In Situ Monitoring of Unique Switching Transitions in the Pressure-Amplifying Flexible Framework Material DUT-49 by High-Pressure 129Xe NMR Spectroscopy. , The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (2017), p. 5195-5200
doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b01204
Hu, T.; Becker, T.; Pourdavoud, N.; Zhao, J.; Brinkmann, K.O.; Heiderhoff, R.; Gahlmann, T.; Huang, Z.; Olthof, S.; Meerholz, K.; Többens, D.; Cheng, B.; Chen, Y.; Riedl, T.: Indium-Free Perovskite Solar Cells Enabled by Impermeable Tin-Oxide Electron Extraction Layers. , Advanced Materials 29 (2017), p. 1606656/1-9
doi: 10.1002/adma.201606656
Schwarzkopf, J.; Braun, D.; Hanke, M.; Uecker, R.; Schmidbauer, M.: Strain engineering of ferroelectric domains in KxNa-{1-x}NbO3 epitaxial layers. , Frontiers in Materials 4 (2017), p. 26/1-10
doi: 10.3389/fmats.2017.00026
Jörg, T.; Cordill, M.J.; Franz, R.; Kirchlechner, C.; Többens, D.M.; Winkler, J.; Mitterer, C.: Thickness dependence of the electro-mechanical response of sputter-deposited Mo thin films on polyimide: Insights from in situ synchrotron diffraction tensile tests. , Materials Science and Engineering A 697 (2017), p. 17-23
doi: 10.1016/j.msea.2017.04.101
Braun, D.; Schmidbauer, M.; Hanke, M.; Kwasniewski, A.; Schwarzkopf, J.: Tunable ferroelectric domain wall alignment in strained monoclinic KxNa1-xNbO3 epitaxial films. , Applied Physics Letters 110 (2017), p. 232903/1-4
doi: 10.1063/1.4985191
Christian, P.; Roethel, C.; Tazreiter, M.; Zimmer, A.; Salzmann, I.; Resel, R.; Werzer, O.: Crystallization of Carbamazepine in Proximity to Its Precursor Iminostilbene and a Silica Surface. , Crystal Growth & Design 16 (2016), p. 2771-2778
doi: 10.1021/acs.cgd.6b00090
Berger, J.; Glushko, O.; Marx, V.M.; Kirchlechner, C.; Cordill, M.J.: Effect of Microstructure on the Electro-Mechanical Behaviour of Cu Films on Polyimide. , JOM 68 (2016), p. 1640-1646
doi: 10.1007/s11837-016-1940-z
Borchardt, L.; Nickel, W.; Casco, M.; Senkovska, I.; Bon, V.; Wallacher, D.; Grimm, N.; Krause, S.; Silvestre-Albero, J.: Illuminating solid gas storage in confined spaces – methane hydrate formation in porous model carbons. , Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (2016), p. 20607/1-8
doi: 10.1039/C6CP03993F
Götze, L.C.; Milke, R.; Zizak, I.; Wirth, R.: In situ monitoring and ex situ TEM analyses of spinel (MgAl2O4) growth between (111)-oriented periclase (MgO) substrates and Al2O3 thin films. , Journal of Materials Science 51 (2016), p. 8824-8844
doi: 10.1007/s10853-016-0130-2
Franz, A.; Toebbens, D.M.; Schorr, S.: Interaction between cation orientation, octahedra tilting and hydrogen bonding in methylammonium lead triiodide. , Crystal Research and Technology 51 (2016), p. 534-540
doi: 10.1002/crat.201600177
Kettner, O.; Pein, A.; Trimmel, G.; Christian, P.; Röthel, C.; Salzmann, I.; Resel, R.; Lakhwani, G.; Lombeck, F.; Sommer, M.; Friedel, B.: Mixed side-chain geometries for aggregation control of poly(fluorene-alt-bithiophene) and their effects on photophysics and charge transport. , Synthetic Metals 220 (2016), p. 162-173
doi: 10.1016/j.synthmet.2016.06.010
Többens, D.M.; Gunder, R.; Gurieva, G.; Marquardt, J.; Neldner, K.; Valle-Rios, L.E.; Zander, S.; Schorr, S.: Quantitative anomalous powder diffraction analysis of cation disorder in kesterite semiconductors. , Powder Diffraction 31 (2016), p. 168-175
doi: 10.1017/S0885715616000191
Marx, V.M.; Kirchlechner, Ch.; Breitbach, B.; Cordill, M.J.; Többens, DM.; Waitz, T.; Dehm, G.: Strain-induced phase transformation of a thin Co film on flexible substrates. , Acta Materialia 121 (2016), p. 227-233
doi: 10.1016/j.actamat.2016.09.015
Többens, D.M.; Gurieva, G.; Levcenko, S.; Unold, T.; Schorr, S.: Temperature dependency of Cu/Zn ordering in CZTSe kesterites determined by anomalous diffraction. , Physica Status Solidi B 253 (2016), p. 1890-1897
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