International summer school Quantsol conveys basics of photovoltaics and solar energy conversion

For the sixth year in a row, future solar researchers are invited to attend the HZB’s International Summer School on Photovoltaics and New Concepts of Quantum Solar Energy Conversion – Quantsol. The summer school program is scheduled for September 8th through the 15th in Hirschegg, Austria, and has been organized jointly by the Helmholtz Centre Berlin and Ilmenau Technical University. All interested parties are welcome to apply before May 26, 2013.

“Over the last few years, Quantsol has established itself as a definite must for future solar researchers,” says HZB’s Prof. Dr. Klaus Lips. “The program’s intended audi-ence includes master's students in their last year of study, Ph.D. students, and post-docs and is an excellent introduction to pertinent photovoltaic topics.”

Experts from leading international research institutes and universities will be presenting the processes underlying the conversion of solar energy into chemical and electrical energy. At the same time, they are also addressing their technical application potential. Yet another focus is on different types of materials for photovoltaics. The researchers will also be presenting special analytic tools for characterizing solar cells and discuss them in-depth with participants.

All who are interested are encouraged to register for the Quantsol summer school program no later than May 26, 2013. Additional information about the program and the registration process can be found on the school's homepage.


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