Workshop on “Microstructure Characterization and Modeling for Solar Cells”


The winter workshop was held in a beautiful location at Spitzingsee (Bayern) from 22. to 26. february 2015 and organised by Helmholtz Virtual Institute "Microstructure Control for Thin-Film Solar Cells". The next winter workshop will be planned for 2017.

About the Helmholtz Virtual Institute „Microstructure control for thin film solar cells“

In this Virtual Institute (VI), the formation of structural defects and related strain during the growth of thin film solar cells will be investigated by combining various experimental as well as simulation approaches. The aim of this Virtual Institute is to understand and control the formation of structural defects and strain during the growth of polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) and Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGSe) thin films by optimized growth parameters. Unique experimental in-situ techniques for monitoring the growth process of these thin films, such as X-ray diffraction and fluorescence analysis at a synchrotron beamline, are combined with phase field modeling as well as density-functional theory and molecular dynamics simulations.

  • Funding: Helmholtz Association
  • Leading Center: Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie
  • Partners involved: TU Berlin, FU Berlin, TU Darmstad, University of Oxford (UK), ETH Zürich (Schweiz), SuperStem (UK)
  • Speakers: Prof. Dr. Susan Schorr, HZB
  • Duration: Nov. 2012 till Oct. 2017

D. Abou-Ras/arö/sz

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