Priority programme for topological insulators begins second funding period

Applicants for support funds to conduct research on topological insulators met at HZB Adlershof on February 15th and 16th. This meeting dealt with the second period of funding for the SPP 1666 Priority programme of the German Research Foundation (DFG) that runs from mid-2016 to 2019. Researchers from across Germany contribute their specific expertise and work together in these Priority programmes (SPPs).

Germany holds a very strong position in the field, in particular through the pioneering work of Laurens Molenkamp from Universität Würzburg, considered by a number of experts in this field as a candidate for the Nobel Prize. Research teams presented a total of 56 projects, of which 37 were recommended for approval. The selection was made by a review committee of international experts.
We are pleased about numerous approved projects on the dynamics of topological insulators – an important area of work at HZB.

For further information:

Oliver Rader

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