Helmholtz Virtual Institute International Conference "Dynamic Pathways in Multidimensional Landscapes" 2016

We invite you to join the International Conference "Dynamic Pathways in Multidimensional Landscapes" which will take place in the heart of Berlin at the Magnus-Haus of the German Physical Society from September, 12th -16th, 2016. Now, the Online registration is open.

The conference is conducted by the Helmholtz Virtual Institute "Dynamic Pathways in Multidimensional Landscapes" where transient states of matter are captured in snapshots and electronic and structural dynamics are followed with Synchrotron and Free Electron Laser radiation.

At the conference we cross the boundaries of physics, chemistry and materials science and focus on unifying aspects of materials function. Since we also leave the regime of single photon interactions fundamental aspects of X-ray matter interaction are touched.

Online registration is open. Please submit abstracts of your oral or poster contributions. Out of these we will choose hot topic talks. Please take advantage of our limited accommodation contingency in Berlin and the participation at social events included in the conference fee.

For additional information and updates, please checkthe conference web portal. Other inquiries can be directed to the Conference Secretariat.

We’re looking forward to meeting you in Berlin.



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