Manual of characterisation techniques for thin-film solar cells published with the involvement of HZB researchers



In August 2016, the second, enlarged edition of the reference book "Advanced Characterization Techniques for Thin-Film Solar Cells" appeared from renowned publisher WILEY-VCH. Co-editor is HZB researcher Dr. Daniel Abou-Ras. A total of eleven authors from HZB wrote chapters for this reference. It provides a comprehensive overview of many characterisation and modelling techniques that can be employed for solar cell materials and components.

The heavy involvement of HZB showcases HZB’s extensive methodical expertise in characterising thin films of energy-related materials. Over 24 chapters, the reader gains a comprehensive insight into the characterisation of components and analysis of materials, as well as an overview of the possibilities for simulating material properties, growth processes and component functions.

Link to the book and overview

bibliographic data:

"Advanced Characterization Techniques for Thin Film Solar Cells, 2 Volumes, 2nd Edition"
Daniel Abou-Ras (Editor), Thomas Kirchartz (Editor), Uwe Rau (Editor)

ISBN: 978-3-527-33992-1, 760 pages, August 2016


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