Young investigator group at HZB: Scaling perovskite cells

Dr. Eva Unger leads the Young Investigator Group Hy-Per-FORME.

Dr. Eva Unger leads the Young Investigator Group Hy-Per-FORME. © privat

The new Young Investigator Group Hy-Per-FORME led by Dr. Eva Unger is working on scaling all processing steps to enable manufacturing of perovskite solar cells on larger areas, thus brigding he gap between lab and industry.

Dr. Eva Unger is starting a Young Investigator Group (YIG) at HZB, co-financed by the Federal Ministry for Education and Science (BMBF). The activities of the Unger group will be an important contribution within the newly-founded HySPRINT Innovation lab aiming at the realization of large-area, stable and efficient hybrid tandem device technology based on a combination of established silicon photovoltaic technology and emerging perovskite semiconductor devices.

To achieve this goal, developing and optimizing scalable deposition methods for the recently evolved hybrid perovskite semiconductors is one of the key aspects. The YIG of Unger therefore focusses on the formation and scaling the deposition of hybrid perovskite semiconductors using slot-die coating and ink-jet printing as a solution-based processing technology.

Originally from Germany, Eva Unger did her PhD at Uppsala University, Sweden and carried out postdoctoral work at Stanford University and Lund University through a stipend from the swedish Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg Foundation. Prior to starting the YIG, she has been working as a visiting researcher at Helmholtz Center Berlin funded by an International Career Grant co-funded by the Swedish Research Council and Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Actions. She will be co-affiliated with Lund University, Sweden and aims to strengthen cooperations with Lund University, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the Universities in Berlin and Brandenburg.


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