Scientific delegation from China visited the HZB

Photo: HZB/J. Bierbaum

Photo: HZB/J. Bierbaum

On 28 September 2018, a 25-member delegation from China gathered information about materials research at the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin. Representatives from various research institutes, universities and industrial companies visited the Lise-Meitner Campus in Wannsee and had discussions with the HZB researchers.

The delegation was particularly interested in the research and development of new materials at HZB. The members visited several institutes and departments at the HZB that are researching new material concepts for solar cells, batteries, thermoelectrics and functional thin-film oxides for energy-efficient IT. The discussions resulted in the first points of contact for possible cooperations.

The Chinese delegation will visit several research centers during its four-week stay in Germany. The visit will be organized by the "German-Chinese Cooperation Office for Industry and Trade" in Nuremberg, which aims to expand economic cooperation between Germany and China.


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