Long Night of Science at HZB's Wannsee site: Solar cells, environmentally friendly hydrogen and a visit to the experimental halls of the research reactor

Science-Show (18:30, 20:30, 22:30 Uhr)

Science-Show (18:30, 20:30, 22:30 Uhr)

Many energy research laboratories are open.

Many energy research laboratories are open.

Experiment with us at our stands

Experiment with us at our stands

The sun provides an enormous amount of energy. But can we really use it to cover our energy needs? Can solar energy actually be stored? And how powerful will innovative batteries be? During the Long Night of Science on 15 June 2019 (17:00 - 24:00) at the Helmholtz Centre Berlin in Wannsee, visitors can talk to researchers, discover secret places and interesting details.Bring your identity card with you!

Many talk about environmentally friendly energy technologies of the future - we are developing them! The HZB is one of the world's top addresses when it comes to innovative solar cells, solar hydrogen or super-efficient quantum materials. For the Long Night of Science, the HZB will open the laboratories in which the materials of the future will be researched. In more than 40 guided tours, spread over the entire evening, there will be insights behind the scenes.

For the last time, the HZB will open the experimental halls around the research reactor BER II, which will be finally shut down at the end of 2019. Whether paintings, dinosaur skulls or knight's helmets - the neutrons from the research reactor provide insights into the hidden details. The guided tours take place every 20 minutes (17:00 - 23:30, from 14 years, only with ID, limited places); at 17:30 and 19:15 there are guided tours for children. The HZB also offers fire brigade tours, children's make-up and handicrafts for the youngest guests.

Of course, visitors can also experiment for themselves: The student laboratory and the association "Zauberhafte Physik" (Magic Physics) prepare hands-on experiments with an aha effect. Nitrogen clouds envelop the "Cool Corner", where fascinating effects and material properties can be conjured up with cold. At the science show (18:30, 30:30, 22:30) visitors can experience bubbles, mysterious luminous phenomena and nitrogen explosions.

Which regenerative drive (wind, sun, and hydrogen) is the fastest for model cars? Who builds the best photoelectrode? And who masters the tasks of the smartphone rally? Those who like to compete with other visitors or friends will definitely find the right challenges at the Long Night of Science at the HZB.

The complete program can be found here.

Access regulation

For safety reasons, persons aged 16 and over must present their valid original identity card (or passport). Persons under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

On-site press contact

Dr. Ina Helms, ina.helms@helmholtz-berlin.de, 030/8062-42034

Shuttle buses to Wannsee S-Bahn station and Potsdamer Telegrafenberg)

Only a few parking spaces are available on site. Use the special buses from S-Bahnhof Wannsee to Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin and back (every 15 minutes).

A special bus between the HZB and the Potsdamer Telegrafenberg runs every 80 minutes.


Tickets can be purchased at the box office or in advance, including at ticket machines of the BVG and S-Bahn. Prices etc: Adults 14 €, concessions 9 €, family ticket 27 €. Further information

Information about the HZB location in Adlershof

The HZB location in Adlershof (BESSY II) will be closed this year, next year the HZB will again be present at the Long Night of Sciences in Adlershof.   

(Silvia Zerbe)

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