Walter-Schottky-Award for Felix Büttner

Dr. Felix Büttner is leading a Helmholtz Young Investigator group at HZB on topological solitons.

Dr. Felix Büttner is leading a Helmholtz Young Investigator group at HZB on topological solitons. © privat

The Walter Schottky Prize honours outstanding work by young physicists in solid-state research. For 2022, the award goes to HZB physicist Dr Felix Büttner for his groundbreaking achievements in the field of magnetic skyrmions.

"His work has contributed significantly to the understanding of the ultrafast generation and properties of these topological states."

This praise on Büttner's work is published on the website of the German Physical Society (DPG), which awards the Walter Schottky Prize.

The DPG further explains: Magnetic skyrmions are spin textures that behave like quasiparticles and have a non-trivial topology. Felix Büttner has made a decisive contribution to the fundamental understanding of the dynamics of skyrmions, taking their topology into account. He has used time-resolved X-ray holography and scattering experiments on X-ray lasers to elucidate the mechanisms of the generation of skyrmions by short laser pulses and to improve the possibilities for the fast and efficient movement of skyrmions by current pulses in ladder structures.

Felix Büttner studied in Göttingen and received his PhD in 2013 for his work at the interface of magnetism (Mathias Kläui, JGU Mainz) and X-ray physics (Stefan Eisebitt, TU Berlin). After a stint in industry at Daimler AG, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with G.S.D. Beach in 2015-2020. Since 2020, he has been leading an independent research group at the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie.

The award is expected to be presented in March 2022 during the DPG Spring Meeting in Regensburg.


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