For strong non-university research in Berlin

With greater impact: As an association, BR50 can promote networking in the Berlin research area even more strongly.

With greater impact: As an association, BR50 can promote networking in the Berlin research area even more strongly.

The non-university research institutions in Berlin will work even more closely together in the future. Their association Berlin Research 50 (BR50), founded in 2020, has joined forces to form a registered non-profit association on 4. October 2022. Together, the research institutions want to further develop and strengthen Berlin as a science location.

Representatives of the institutions gathered at the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) for the official founding of the association. A five-member board was also elected. Following the founding, the association now comprises 27 research and science institutions, including Leibniz and Max Planck Institutes, Helmholtz Centres and federal departmental research institutions. Other non-university institutions in Berlin are associated with the association as partners in the network.

As an association, BR50 will support its member institutions even more in networking with each other and with other scientific actors in Berlin and represent the interests of non-university institutions.

You can find more information on the BR50 page.

BR 50 Podcast - lots of exciting research

Many societal challenges, such as climate change, are far too complex for one scientific discipline to solve alone. But together they are making progress. The BR 50 podcast gives an insight into how versatile the research of "non-university" scientists is. In two podcast episodes, listen to how the Helmholtz Centre Berlin is advancing the energy transformation in society with its research. Here you get to the podcast (in German).


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