Helmholtz Visiting Researcher Grant

Are you a doctoral researcher or Postdoc and your research has a strong link to (applied) data and information sciences?

The Helmholtz Visiting Researcher Grant offers doctoral students and Postdocs the opportunity to do a fully-funded short-term research stay (1 – 3 months) at one of the 18 Helmholtz Centres. Just apply and come to HZB!

Applications will be accepted from national or international research organisations, universities or the private sector. The programme is promoted by HIDA, the Helmholtz Information and Data Science Academy. Its aim is to enable new research collaborations, foster knowledge exchange, and explore new or emerging research topics in the field of information and data sciences.

The programme addresses researchers in both academia and industry. It offers researchers the opportunity to get to know the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres.

Next application round: 15 January - 15 March, 2023

For more information:

Please contact Cécile Dufloux (details on the right) if you would like to apply.


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