SXR2023: Deadline for submissions April 15

© Jörg Zägel, CC BY-SA 3.0

The SXR2023 (Principles of Functionality from Soft-X-Ray Spectroscopy) brings together young and experienced scientists to discuss recent scientific highlights, trends, and current advances with soft X-ray spectroscopy. Our goal is to further understanding on the atomic level. The impetus is to influence and ideally shape functionality in materials and molecular systems. In this effort, scientists cross intentionally the boundaries between physics, chemistry and materials and focus on the unifying aspects of functionality. Insights to the governing principles are often based on the combination of experiment with first principles theory and models. Thus a profound description of X-ray matter interaction — creating the spectroscopic observables — is always underlying.

Registration/Abstract Submission:

The Scientific Organizing Committee invites your registration combined with abstract submissions for exclusively hot-topic oral presentations and poster contributions until April 15th, 2023, at the latest.

An e-mail notification for accepted abstracts will be sent out around the end of April 2023. Places are limited.

Please see the conference website for more detailed information.

Please note that we cannot offer financial support regarding travels and accommodation. Instead there will be no conference fee.




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