HZB magazine lichtblick - the new issue is out!

In his search for the perfect catalyst, HZB researcher Robert Seidel is now getting a tailwind – thanks to a ERC Consolidator Grant. In the cover story, we explain why the X-ray source BESSY II plays an important role for his research.

Bernd Rech has just started his second term of office. What are his plans? In this interview, he reveals the role that basic research plays, but also why a good working atmosphere is important to him. Read more on page 8.

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Topics include:

  • p. 4 Robert Seidel - In search of the perfect catalyst
  • p. 3: Three questions for Thomas Frederking
  • p. 8: Interview with Bernd Rech on his second term of office
  • p. 12: Opening of HiPOLE in Jena
  • p. 16: Science meets art - two projects presented
  • p. 20: One year after the cyber attack - what have we learnt?
  • p. 26: Research on the neutron instruments continues
  • p. 28: New dual leadership for BESSY II
  • p. 30: Recipe from all over the world

We hope you enjoy reading this issue! As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions for topics.

Your editorial team


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