Janardan, D.; Hirselandt, K.; Merdasa, A.; Czudek, A.; Munir, R.; Zu, F.; Koch, N.; Dittrich, Th.; Unger, E.: Alkali salts at Interface modifiers in n-i-p hybrid perovskite solar cells. Solar RRL 3 (2019), p. 1900088/1-10
Open Access Version

After demonstration of a 23% power conversion efficiency, a high operational stability is the next most important scientific and technological challenge in perovskite solar cells (PSCs). A potential failure mechanism is tied to a bias-induced ion migration, which causes current–voltage hysteresis and a decay in the device performance over time. Herein, alkali salts are shown to mitigate hysteresis and stabilize device performance in n-i-p hybrid planar PSCs. Different alkali salts of potassium chloride, iodide, and nitrate as well as sodium chloride and iodide are deposited from aqueous solution onto the n-type contact, based on SnO2, prior to deposition of the perovskite absorber Cs0.05(FA0.83MA0.17)0.95Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3. Introduction of potassium-based alkali salts suppresses the current–voltage hysteresis and stabilizes the operational device stability at the maximum power point. This is attributed to the suppression of hole trapping at the n-type selective transport layer (SnO2)/perovskite interface observed by surface photovoltage spectroscopy, which is interpreted to reduce interfacial recombination and improve charge carrier extraction. The best and most stable performance of 19% is achieved using potassium nitrate as the interface modifier. Devices with higher and more stable performance exhibit substantially lower current transients, analyzed during maximum power point tracking.